Friday, December 4, 2009

Justice delayed is justice denied.

It is day nine and counting and still the cold blooded criminals are enjoying their lives some where in Gabilay. Somalis everywhere of all walks of life are mourning and disghusted by the one of a kind crime committed in the history of Somali soil. No doubt, this savage crime has left a legacy of distrust which will live forever and will tarnish relations between tribes. Yet, damage control is still possible if the right path is followed and the criminals are brought to justice without delay and as soon as possible. Justice is already denied because as it is, justice delayed is justice denied but still there are possibilities and after all we are all Somalis and brotherhood is still in our blood although it is getting thin. While history could not be undone, it is still possible that the victims and their relatives be given the dignity and honor of which they were robbed by capturing and handing over the cold blooded feable minded criminals and starting reconciliations immediately.

Jibril Abokor must accept moral responsibility and the guilt and hand over the criminals. It is up to them whether to let the fire burn forever and the guilt to play in the lives of their people for ever or confess the crime and sins committed by their sons and hand over the one of a kind untamed animals.

Tan iyo intii Somaliland jirtay waxa ugu waynaa ee kala waday dadkeena waxay ahayd yada oo cida wax dishaa mas'uulyadeeda ay qaadayeen qabiilkoodu. Soo qabanayeen dambiilaha lagana wada hadli jiray sidii loo xalili lahaa arinta, yada oo la raacayo dhaqankeenu iyo diinteenu waxay ina fareen. Maxaa looga talaabsanayaa arintaas jirtay ee ka mid ahayd maalin nololeedkeena. Dilida waxashnimada leh cidii gaysatay waa in lakeenaa. Jibriil Abokor baana ka mas'uula oo ku qasban inay tix galiyaan dhaqankaa socday inta badan. Isaaqa intiisa kale iyo Samaroon way idin sugayaan. Soo qabta dadkiina dilka foosha xunle gaystay oo dadwaynaha hortiisa ku qisaasa.

Dhinaca kale dowladaa ka mas'uul ah nabada dadkeeda. Ilaa maanta dowladu wax arintaa ay ka qabatay ma jirto. Wax loo sheegay dadka oo lasoo wadana ma jirt. Ma inagaa qaldanayn oo dowladu Jibriil Abokor bay ahayd oo yada xukun ma qabanayo. Siday wax u jiraan hadii aad garanayso dadka Soomaaliyeed u sheeg.....Bal wax aan kaga tala galnaba....

This article was first published on 2009-09-08

Suleiman Abdi Dugsiye


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