Monday, June 11, 2007

My little sweet talk with Warsan

“Giis (Geese) baa gartee Gadabursi wuu garan”

I drove to Montreal for a business trip (2 hours drive) last Thursday. To entertain myself I selected the best CDs of classic Somali songs and poems from my collection. From song to song, I enjoyed and sometimes sang along. Without any dull moment, I found my self covered half way the trip.

I decided to change the course and listen to a Somali gabey. As I leaned forward to press the open button, I saw scores of birds flying in flocks. The large groups of birds were flying in formations and were typically flying in a large “V” shape with one bird in the lead and others trailing behind in two lines. I slowed down and dropped down the glass window to have a good look at the beautiful formations the birds were making. Oh, what a beautiful show! To my amazement, I could even hear their honking.

Many times before, I saw large groups of birds flying in formations but never paid any attention. But this time something tickled my senses and I began to question myself of why these birds are flying together? Why are they flying in formations? And why are they flying in this particular “V” formation? Etc…

While my mind was busy trying to figure out the whys, my eyes hit a resting area sign and I decided to pull over, rest a little and have a coffee. I purchased a cup of coffee and a donut from the small shop in the resting area and sat on a park bench under a tree. Not far from me was a group of seven to ten birds. I began eating my donut but still thinking about the birds. One of the birds moved towards me and approached closer and closer and eventually jumped on to the bench and there it was next to me. I looked at the little bird but showed no signs of being frightened. I could right away tell that it was ready to make a friendship with me.

“Hello little beautiful bird”, I said. “Hello my friend”, the bird replied. “Who are you and what is your name?” I asked. “I am a goose from the Anatidae family and you can call me Warsan” the beautiful bird replied. “And I am an Awdalite from the Gadabursi family and you can call me Douksi.” I told the bird. She looked at me and nodded her head sideways as if she knew about the Gadabursi family and wanted to say something. She opened her mouth but respectfully looked away without saying a word. I then asked the bird if in a hurry and replied that she would be around for a while. I decided to buy her some food and excused myself. I bought some bird food from the little shop and immediately came back. “I have a little of some thing for you Warsan, I hope you will like it.” I said. “That is nice of you Douksi, thanks.” Warsan replied. I then carried out the conversation with Warsan and it went this way:

Douksi: Tell me, why do you fly together in groups?

Warsan: My dear Douksi, it is not only the humans that know everything, Allah (SW) bestowed on us gifts human beings do not posses. Unlike Awdal, we are united and we know the benefits of being together. Unlike Awdal, we know that united we can stand strong in our family alliance. Unlike Awdal, we accepted each other and we fly together so that we protect each other. Unlike the Gadabursi, we are together so that we lend strength to each other. Unlike your Gadabursi family, we are together so that we get our demands together. Unlike your Gadabursi family, we are together and do every thing together because we know that united we can not be defeated.

My dear Douksi, we are united and together and that is why you always see us happy, singing and flying high in the sky free. But your people are not united and that is why your Gadabursi family is always beaten in the political battle fields of Somaliland. You have proof of this by the so-called House of Representatives who are thirsty to take their law of justice, twist it up and throw it back upon the shelf to make the long awaited declaration of Isaaq land.

Together we are strong and no one dares to harm any one of us. But your people are indifferent to their plight and that is why they are hunted like a Buffalo in the wild streets of Hargeisa. Because of your divisions, your people only get no honor, no respect nor glory – only hell - day and night, not only in the past, but in the present. My dear Douksi the fact of the matter is that your people are in the wrong track and if that continues to be so, they will have no choice but to be included in the list of endangered species soon.

Douksi: I understand all that, but how can I get my family united?

Warsan: My dear Douksi, there is nothing like unity. United you share for good and for worse. The key to unity is communication. Adel knew it but Awdal doesn’t. My friend you know and I know that Adel was a legacy made strong through consultations and unity of people working together for a common cause. Awdal must revive consultations and decide its destiny. If Awdal wants to prosper and capture its place in History, then its quite diplomacy and indifference to its plight must come to an end. Awdal must recognize that its internal affairs are past due for repairs and can not be done with out uniting its own people through understanding and accepting each other. My dear Douksi unless Awdal sorts out its peoples’ confusion and agree on one thing, it must be obvious to the Awdalites that they will not be able to get the slightest concession on respect and fairness.

Douksi: [felt ashamed, looked down and nothing came out of the mouth]
[But through the heart said: “Oh my god, even the birds know about Awdal”

Warsan: C’mon now, don’t start me with your muted diplomacy, go ahead and say something?

Douksi: I know all that, but you know one day ….. One day … series of one day …..
[Meel aan doonayey roob igu eri …. Douksi continued…his one day series….

Warsan: C’mon Douksi quit that … stop it… Jooji. I already heard that million times from you and from every Awdalite. Your one day is somewhere in the future. You need to focus the present. The truth is that you only have dreams but unfortunately dreams don’t fill empty stomachs and don’t bring respect and fairness. What you need is action and a plan to get the one day together with your Awdalites. You must do your home work together; otherwise, you will be over run by those who are united under their tribal flag.

My dear Douksi, every one on earth knows, even the birds that under the flag of the Somaliland Awdal received nothing but poverty, hatred, and unfairness. And for your information, Kulmiye is now folding its sleeves to have you despised more than ever and have you glued on the bottom of the bag.

Saaxiibkey Douksiyow, Runta isku sheega. Waxaan la hureyn horaa loo yeelaaye waxaad u baahan tihiin waa wadciga siyaasadeed ee Awdal inaad meel isla dhigtaan. Now quit your one day dream and learn from me. Ask me about something that would benefit you.

Douksi: Ok, please tell me why do you fly in this particular “V” formation?

Warsan: The aerodynamic V shape reduces the air resistance, allowing us to cover longer distances. In fact, we can fly 70% farther by adopting the V shape rather than flying in isolation. My dear Douksi, let Awdal know that sharing a common sense of purpose propelled by the trust of all can get them the one day island quicker and easier.

My dear Douksi, the lead goose works the hardest. But when it gets tired, it drops out of the lead position and another from the back moves forward and takes the lead. My dear friend, your people must know that they need a leader with moral leadership who has the ability to inspire all Awdalites to their innate potential. Your people need a leader who is visionary and a map maker. Surely if your Awdal have a unity and a strong leader, your present Awdal will be like your Adel of yesterday.

To keep on course and maintain speed, those at the back honk regularly for encouragement. My Douksi, Awdalites need to encourage each other instead of criticizing, and must praise each other for the work done for the common good of Awdal. Mr. Douksi that is team work and sorry to say it is also what your people need to adopt.

My dear Douksi another advantage of this formation is that it allows us to see each other and communicate more easily so that we care for each other. Douksiyow tolkaa taa mayaqaano. Isma indho buuxiyaan iskamana war hayaan. Tolkaa u sheeg ineyna taasi ka socon Soomaalilaand. Kalina Kama socoto aduunka.

Warsan: Douksi, tell me about the planned Awdal convention in Minnesota?

Douksi: Yes, Awdalites are going to Minnesota for a convention and ready to start their engines. We are all in this together. We know that each of us is special in his/her way but will push our unity to its highest point. We will know that united is where we belong. We all will make sure to always be there for each other. We will finally figure out that all our dreams have no limitations. We are all in this together and it will show when we stand shoulder to shoulder and make our Awdal stand tall. We will do it right and we will all speak with one voice. We will stick together and reach our destiny together. Yes, we are all in this together.

Warsan: This could be the start of something new. I feel in my heart the start of something new. I feel that something has changed. I know it for real. You never imagined that it could happen and here you go my friend, it is going to happen. Good for Awdal and I am proud of Awdal. My dear Douksi, I hope you and your people will learn from the Geese. It is now time for me to go. I wish your people all the best.

Warsan flew away and I stood up and waved my hand with hesitation. All of a sudden, she turned back and flew around my shoulders and whispered to me before flying:

“Giis (geese) baa gartee Gadabursi wuu garan”

I nodded my head for approval and thanked her for the good conversation. She looked back at me and shouted; “tell your people in the convention:

Awdal waa idinka, Idinkuna Awdal baa tihiin.

Xadhiga Eebe qabsada dhamaantiin, hana kala jabina.”

Suleiman Abdi Dugsiye

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