Sunday, May 20, 2007

Waxley waa waxeegii

Not even five months elapsed since Haatuf made headlines, and here we go again, Haatuf is in the news, haatufing the land of peace and milk in its ugliest form and dragging up its alleged affairs again. Waxley waa waxeegii, but this time the Haatufs and associates are in a hot soup. Not even seventy two hours elapsed since I posted my last article “Isku haye Iskama Hagrado”, and here again I find myself writing another one. C’mon Haatufs, why don’t you use the thing in between your ears like the normal people so that I rest my fingers? Must you have every thing from the sheep contract to the chair? Give me a break people; don’t you know that there are others whose home is Somaliland and have mouths to feed? It is now obvious that what the Haatufs are up to is beyond freedom of speech. I believe that the Haatufs have a mission and their goal is one of the following:

.Drag the chair to the South and bargain with it.
.Get the chair by spreading hate.
.Tame Awdal as a second class nation.

In the case of dragging the chair to the south and bargaining with it, it depends on what the people of Somaliland want. The haatufs have no right to decide for the people. My advice to the Haatufs is to declare what they say and whisper to each other in the dark corners of the streets. But make no mistake about it; Awdal has already set its exit strategy but only giving you a chance to get to your senses.

In the case of attempting to get the chair by spreading lies and hate, I remind the Haatufs my favorite quote:

“Hatred ever kills, love never dies. Such is the vast difference between the two. What is obtained by love is retained for all time. What is obtained by hatred proves a burden in reality for it increases hatred."

Mohandas Gandi.

It is obvious that the Haatufs are washed over by a wave of hatred and bitterness towards President Rayaale and Awdal. The world never functions like just wishing something and getting it. Things would have been easier for the mindless if what ever in mind is obtainable by force. It doesn’t work that way and we all know it although the Haatufs don’t. The Haatufs always complain about President Rayaale and claim that things would have been better if he is no more on the chair. I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt and decided to figure out myself what the people think. I conducted a quick unscientific survey and questioned people both from Awdal and other regions of Somaliland without bias. After a careful analysis, the conclusion was the fact that overwhelmingly people believe:

“Idaa shuufta Siilaanyo or Ina Waraabe, Rayaale Xaaji.”

If that is so, and there is no alternative, I don’t understand what is bothering the Haatufs. I don’t comprehend what is eating them from inside. If you hate the genes of Rayaale how can I accept yours? We claim that Somaliland is a young democratic country. President Rayaale was elected democratically. Therefore, wether you like it or not or you hit your heads on the walls till you bleed to death, he will remain on the chair till he finishes the term. If that is unacceptable to you, then consider this:

Hadeynaan heshiineyn waa inaan kala go’naa oon kala howl yareysanaa.

In the case of attempting to tame the Awdalites as second class citizens, I am sorry, you ran out of time. The policy of quite diplomacy and appeasement is now a once upon a time thing and no more valid in Awdal. Awdal is ready to stand for its rights now, so caution with care Haatufs, what was once a sweet cake for you could be a hot soup to get into. We in Awdal have compromised ourselves and gave the confederation partners all we’ve got just to make it work. But as they say; “Abeeso far loo taagaa fanaxey u boodaa,” for the Haatufs and associates nothing is enough, more is always needed. To them they would rather break the country into pieces if not get things on their way. To verify how we gave away everything, all you have to do is to check the number of your parliament representatives and compare that with the Awdal representatives. I don’t think that that is a good way to share. Another way is to count the ministries, deputy ministries, directors, managers and government employees from regions other than Awdal. I can go on but I think that is enough to make you think twice. Isn’t it fair then to say?

Wax walba waan ku siiyee, waayaha aduunyada ku war qaadan meyside, igadaa wareerkoo barwaaqo hadalka iga dhaaf.

It has been clear to Awdal that it gave away too much, but still there was always hope that things will get better tomorrow. That itself is proving to be a dream. I am hardly alone in my thinking; indeed, Awdal is undergoing a dramatic shift from a decade and a half-old policy to protect their rights under the hijacked clan based rule of Somaliland. It has been Sixteen years and two days since the break away now, and all of a sudden a new chapter of greed and selfishness begins instead of working together for the betterment and the Haatufs are leading the way this time. It has become clear to Awdal that its people are increasingly finding themselves facing economic decline, injustices and dwindling rights coupled with hate and bitterness. No wonder these harsh circumstances are causing the regions people (Awdal) to drop their support of Somaliland. If things don’t change on Awdal’s terms this time, or if Somaliland lets Haatuf lead the way then it should be clear that what is in the minds of Awdal is:

Inaan kaa go’aan imika taladeed hayaa!!!!! And we have every right to decide for our destiny.

Suleiman Abdi Dugsiye
Ottawa, Canada

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