In recent days we have been pomparded with what is happening in the Somaliland parliament also known as the "Samaale kitchen" where Suleyman Gaal is the chief chef. Absurd news has been coming on daily basis about the behaviour of the members who seemed to have camped into unyielding camps of violence. That in turn created the citizens to believe their actions as the character of our culture and norms.
Before I go further, allow me to remind us all what a parliament is meant to be. Then I will write about the evolution of the Somaliland parliament and where it is resting on at last. In another article, I will write about what does a member of parliament do and what skills does a member of parliament need to serve those who elected him/her.
What is a parliament?
Parliament as defined by Wilkipedia, is a type of representative assembly with the power to pass, ammend and repeal laws. The name is derived from the French - Parlement - a discussion.
Obviously, the word has gone through an evolution and rested on its modern meaning as it is used for body of people who would need to discuss matters of state.
The same meaning is given in our traditional terms and in our religion too. Golaha xildhibaanada - meel lagu gorfeeyo arimaha dowlada, sharciga lagu sameeyo, laguna badalo lagagana hadlo arimaha u dan ah dadka iyo dalkaba. Majlis Alshura - as it is known in our sharia is well emphasized in our religion and the importance of it is premised by the following verses of our holly Quran;
"... Those who answer the call of their lord and establish the paryer, and who conduct their affairs by shura...[are loved by Allah]."
"...Consult them [the people] on their affairs. Then when have taken a decision [from them], put your trust in Allah."
Parliaments have an important role to play in delivering governance which is effective in terms of reducing poverty and building democracy. Parliaments can also play an important role in ensuring that wealth is spent effectively. On the contrary the Somaliland parliament is very effective in increasing poverty, demolishing democracy and creating chaos. The Somaliland parliament is a place where the venerable are exploited. This made politics in Somaliland to become a drab, unispiring, unintelligent often humiliating and boring business.
The evolution of the Somaliland parliament:
The Somaliland parliament has developed a new theory of evolution; First, Late Egal (AU) had a hard time convincing members that it is kind of majlis alshura where government affairs are run. Some thought it just a place of "Ijabane" and came in with qaad and chew with their legs crossed on desks. Others simply thought it as a place of spending the morning hours and came in with dominos and playing cards dressed with macawis and the famous Somali sticks on their shoulders.
It really was a daring experience for Egal but finally succeeded in convincing them to just show up as it fits in their schedule and just listen and learn.
It became then, the do nothing house and a place where members sit loose, chat, and wait for the end of the month to collect the salary. A place where arogance exceeded ignorance. When Rayale came to power, it became the house of teasing and shouting; then became the fighting arena where members throw benches to each other and recently has become a shooting house and soon is expected to be taken over by Suleyman Gaal and his gangs and to become a slaughter house where Samaroons will be slaughtered.
I never felt confident the Somaliland parliament will work out a bit and that is showing nowadays. What is happening in the parliament or the boxing house if I may, is deeply depressing moments for some but to me it is a sign of complete failure and a sign of the emergence of what has been hiding in the hearts of the majority of the unintelligent, spoiled camel boys.
From Abu-Sufyaan House
Latest news coming from the house of Abu-Sufyaan ( Suleiman Gaal's house) confirmed that the gangs have been watching movies of the wild west, admired the violant life style of the then American wild west and planning to implement in the parliament as soon as possible and immitate the outlaws, becoming the camel boys of Somaliland instead of the American cowboys shooting off who ever disagrees with their filthy ideas.
Secret documents from Abu-Sufyaan house revealed this morning that the gangs (camelboys) are planning to raise two motions which really, really, really smells danger and which needs immediate counter attack:
The right to bear arms in the parliament
The right to become dadqalato so that they slaughter the Samaroon members of parliament.
Suleyman Gaal and the gangs have become politicians with mental health disorders that react by decompensation. And as is obvious, they rarely feel remorse or fear the consequenses of their misdeeds. But this only makes them culpable and dangerous.
Danger is looming:
It was reported recently that Suleyman Gaal was seen running in and around the parliament in circles like a chicken with its head cut off. He was spotted several times in rage. And as we know this is not a good sign as rage is an emotion shown by the dadqalato that affects common sense and creates disaster. We know what the known slaughterers (dadqaladu) do when in rage. I here by warn the Awdal representatives not to go any where near the parliament to avoid slaughtering. In the same token, I also warn President Rayale to take precautions as Suleyman has called upon the Gabilay dadqalato to have a feast in the parliament.
President Rayaale must declare the parliament area a "Danger zone" and issue a warning to the Samaroons in Hargeisa as the dadqalato are being invited to the parliament by Suleyman Gaal and Samaale.
Suleiman Abdi Dugsiye
This article was first published on Sept 11,2009.
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