Sunday, December 13, 2009

7/11 Criminals are Still At Large(Justice Denied and approved by the government of Somaliland

July 11 was the date when curses shadowed the skies over Gabilay, poison filled the hearts of the dadqalato and heavens opened doors for the victims of Awdal. July 11 was the date when savage cowards changed the peaceful happy atmosphere of Dilla Gabilay road into a primitive Stone Age lawless region. July 11 was the date when the most horrific crimes ever in Somali soil were committed against innocent citizens of Somaliland just because they belonged to Samaroon clan. July 11 was the date when the citizens of the area were sorted out as ?Gun? and ?Gob?. July 11 was the date when the dadqalato were classified as ?gun? for ever and the innocent Samaroons as the ?Gob? of the area. July 11 was the date when the dadqalato were labeled as the lowest of the low (gun gunteed).

The crimes were one of the most horrific murders ever seen in a land not known for horrific murders. It’s been reported that the criminals were as cruel as they could be and enjoyed their crimes. According to those who saw the bodies it appeared that the criminals not only wanted to kill, they wanted the victims to suffer before they died. Basically they were tortured in cold blood. Monsters with horrible thoughts in their heads destroyed lives. Useless criminals who failed in life shortened the lives of those who worked hard to succeed.

As is known the crime has been initiated by greedy idiots whose motto was to create chaos as to their benefits. These were deliberately crimes against humanity and intentional killings to start a civil war in the country. Some body should be held responsible for the crimes.

Somaliland claims that it is a government with its own justice system. But if that is true shouldn’t it be capable of punishing crime and protecting its law-abiding citizens? Obviously, Somaliland lacks a working justice system.

Waxaan la yaabay Somaliland oo shalay xustay maalinta xuquuda aadamiga. Runtii arintaasi waxay ku tahay qowmiyada reer Awdal meel wal oo ay joogaanba dhirbaaxo labaad oo si kas ah loogula badheedhay. Waxaana masuul ka ah Madaxwaynaha. Sobobtu waxay tahay madaxwaynaha waa inay u sinaadaan dadka reer Somaliland. Xuquuqdooduna mid ahaataa. Ma aha arin in dad loo diido xuquudooda hadana loo dabaaldago xuquuqda dadka.

Hadii la xusay xuquuqda qofka aadamiga ah, maxaa ku dhacay xuquuqdii haldoorkii reer Awdal ee gardarada lagu dilay danbiilayaashiina raaxaysanayaan. Maxaa ku dhacay xuquuqda dadka masaakiinta ah ee dhulkoodii lagu maagayo ee la dilayo. Ma dad gaar ah ayuunbay ilaalinta xuquuqda qofku ku socotaa.

A capable justice system punishes criminals for their crimes and removes potentially dangerous criminals (dadqalato) from society. But to our dismay the dadqalato are enjoying life in their homes. That fact justifies that Somaliland government functions in contrast to world justice systems. Rather than punishing criminals for their actions, the government of Somaliland sympathizes with the criminals (Dadqalato), hides them and continues to attempt to comfort them on the expense of the law-abiding citizens.

The government ignores the fact that punishments serve to protect the society and also serve as deterrents to other would-be criminals. Obviously if the government continues its policy of harboring the criminals then we must look always over our shoulders as the savage can do again.

Malaha dabaaldaga maalinta xuquuqda aadamigu waxay ku socotay sida dowladu u nabad galisay dadqalatada oo loo xusay shaqada fiican ee ay ka qabteen taageerka ay ku taageereen xaqdarida dadkii dambiga falay iyo siday dowladu u diiday inay maxkamad soo taagaan.

Again and amazingly, as has been reported recently Mr. Justice Minister has been busy renovating and modernizing the jails of Somaliland. C’mon Mr. Minister what happened to your logic? Wouldn’t it be better to develop the will, moral and the courage to capture the criminals (dadqalato) rather than modernizing your jails? By the way, the dadqalato might be chewing qaad in a place not far from your office if at all you have the will to do your job honestly. And let me remind you one thing Mr. Minister, you have to have the will and the courage to resolve problems of the past before going forward into the high tech future if you know what I mean!!! Do your work Mr. Minister, Capture the criminals and then celebrate for the human rights day….

There should be some basic principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power. Common sense dictates that offenders must be punished for their crimes. But that never happened and is not expected to happen. Also it is simple common logic, when public officials or other agents acting in an official or quasi-official capacity violate national criminal laws; the victims should receive restitution from the government whose officials or agents were responsible for the harm inflicted. But again that did never happen.

Instead, Somaliland dared to lie to the world and celebrated for the human rights day which never exists in the land of the dadqalato.

The question is who is responsible for the crimes? I think it is fair to say that the responsibility rests on the ministers of interior and justice who failed to bring justice to the families of the victims and to the citizens of the land in general. To go a little further it is the president who is in turn responsible for the actions of his cabinet. Therefore, it is again fair to put the blame on the president.

Mr. President, let me remind you that waiting for what the heart desires is the hardest part of life. Awdalites have been waiting for you to give the orders to capture the dadqalato and punish them as they deserve. Your citizens are waiting for you to comfort their hearts and capture the criminals. Such people have no hearts and have no place in your Somaliland. Capture them and slaughter them in front of all the people. Only after you can celebrate for the human rights day. You have the power to do so today but Mr. President be reminded that in the after life...? al amru yowma idin lilaah...?—orders belong to Allah in the after life-----

Make no mistake about it, the slaughtering of the innocent Samaroons was beyond cruel and unusual, and the monsters that committed the crime could well be capable of striking again. If the dadqalato are not brought to justice that might encourage them to do it again and Samaroons must know that the only thing that qualifies for the slaughter is just to be a Samaroon. Any one can be slaughtered. Belonging to UDUB or Kulmiye or UCID will not spare you. Samaroons must put pressure on the government to do the right thing and bring justice to Awdal.

Iskusoo wada xoori, Samaroons must keep in their hearts that:

1. We can’t always care for others or we forget to care for ourselves.
2. Our family relationships are sacred commitments that should be protected
3. We need to balance our desires with a large dose of common sense.

Allaha qaadirkii janatul fardowsa haka waraabiyo shuhadaadii lagu dilay xaq darada.

Suleiman Abdi Dugsiye

Friday, December 4, 2009

My Somaliland and your Somliland is no more our Somaliland

I read the article "Tribe Worshipping S/Land Is Not My S/Land!" by Noah Arre, with interest. It was well written and moving. Unfortunately with all due respect, it is sad to say, that little country called Somaliland - Your Somaliland and my Somaliland is no more our Somaliland. It is not the Somaliland we all had in mind. It has gone nuts and has become the "Slaughter land". The land of the beast. The country of the eccentric. The land of insanity. The land of the dadqalato. The kitchen of Suleyman Gaal and his gangs. A place where there is no freedom, no peace, no democracy, nothing but fear and frustration.

We have been cheated for eigteen years. We have been in endurance for that many years and hoping for the better year in year out, but to no avail. It is getting worse day after day and every Somalilander is the witness. What has been hidden for that many years appeared out of the blue, and we are finally seeing it clearly. There is a root to the problem and we are right at the bottom of it now.

The Somaliland that was supposed to be all inclusive refused to remain so and preferred to be exclusive. The whole thing was lip singing and they could not hide it any more. So they shed it out. My dear Adalite, check this out:

" .... Hadii aan Isaaq nahay waa in aan dalka qabsanaa oon ka qaadnaa Rayaale, waxani waa waali ma waxa aynu eeganaa waxan, ma wasiiradan la adeegsanaayo ee arimaha gudaha maaliyada iyo hawlaha guud ayaynu eeganaa oo lagu shaqaysnaayo, waa in aan iska xoraynaa maamulkan aan Isaaqa ahayn oo aan keenaa madaxweyne Isaaq ah...." This was delivered in speech by Samaale.

The above quote was written by a Somaliland patriotic gentleman of Isxaaq clan in an article who did not like the policies of the gangs. The whole artice is posted on warsanmag article section and is titled as "Samaale Miyaanu Aheyn kiii Yaa ISAAQAY Lahaa."

That was the real intention of Somaliland. That is what is being exposed out nowadays. Rayaale oo qudha ayaa ku dhex jira. Kiina ma ogola wakaa shaaca ka qaaay Samaale. Awdalay wax ku qaado oo ku quuso. Hadii Rayaale aan la rabin ogow ka taageeraya Rayaalana lama ogola. Ka kale ee ku jira Kulmiye ama Ucud na lama ogola. That is what is killing Somaliland. That is what turned Somaliland into Isxaaqland. And let it be. Let the boat sink and let us see who loses the most. What is amazing is the fact that the words came out of the mouth of a supposedly responsible man. A man Somalilanders trusted to lead to betterment.

Surely the metamorphosed idiot put his feet into his mouth and exposed what was hiding in his sick heart whose arrogance exceeds his ignorance. That is the kind of unintelligent politician who turned Somaliland into Zooland. That is the kind of a politician who is turning the "the little country that could!" into the " the little land of secrets."

Somaliland ma ahayn dowlad daacad dadkeeda u ah mana noqon doonto. Ma ahayn dowlad nabada dadkeeda ilaalisa. Ma ahayn mana aha dowlad dadka la dulmiyayo u adeegta ilaalisana. Waxa taa ka markhaati ah sida dowlad ku sheegu ilaa hada uga aamusantahay arimihii foosha xumaa ee ka dhacay dariiqa u dhaxeeya Dilla iyo Gabilay ee dadqalatadu ku qasheen dadkii musaafurka ahaa ee Samaroon Allaha u naxariistee.

Somaliland waa dowlad qabiilo ku dhisnayd kuna dhisan oo marka horebe ujeedo laga lahaa. Waa dowlad loogu adeegsanayo dhul balaadhsi. Waxa taa ka markhaati ah sida loogu dacatiyayo dadka masaakiinta ah ee looga boobayo dhulkoodii waligoodba ay ku noolaayeen ee dowladuna taageerayso.

Somaliland waa dowlad qabiilo ku dhisan oo dadkeedu u sinayn. Waxa taa ka markhaati ah sida dadka masaakiinta ah een waxba galabsan maalin walba loogusoo duulayo ee ayna dowladu ka hadlayn waxna ka qabanayn. Dowlad maaha Somaliland ee waa wax ay qabiilo leedahay ee magaca Somaliland yaan lawasakhayn ee halaga badilo oo haloo bixiyo Isaaqland ammaba Samaaleland kolba sidii la jeclaado...Gaalland qudheeda waa mid u furan...

My dear Adalite, Somaliland is feeling like a turtle without a shell nowadays and surley it will remain that way forever. There will always be snakes in the Somaliland politics that will take a bite. There is no hope for the little country that is full of secrets. It is in its diminishing return. We have been ignoring the truth for more than eighteen years and now we seem to be ready to finally share how we are feeling. Let it go!!! let Somaliland go. Let Adalland flourish...

My dear Adalite, something has unlocked and the cage is open. It is time to fly and expand our wings. Let Somaliland go. It is time to sing... kana siib kana saar... Ka Somaliland siib oo ka Adalland saar.

What is happening in Hargeisa is more than insult and we have been trying to ignore it for so many years, but we are almost done with juggling for the unthankful. It is time for our home land. It is time to let Somaliland go and establish Adalland. There is the energy of abundance all around us, we have to soak it and establish Adalland. We are receptive today and emotionally ready for the next step. So sing along with me ...kana siib kana saar....

We are finally seeing the root cause of the problem. What is happening in Hargeisa is telling us something, and that is to move on and let go of what is dragging us down. It is time for change, and surely it will be for the better.

We see the dream, and the reality, it is time to connect the dots. It is time for our Adaland.

My dear Adalites it is time to trust the inner voice. It is time for Awdal to let Somaliland go. We are all together on this journey, So we have to enjoy the connection while it lasts and don't over think the finish line.

Suleiman Abdi Dugsiye

This article was first published 21 SEPTEMBER 2009

S/Land Parliament The Danger ZONE

In recent days we have been pomparded with what is happening in the Somaliland parliament also known as the "Samaale kitchen" where Suleyman Gaal is the chief chef. Absurd news has been coming on daily basis about the behaviour of the members who seemed to have camped into unyielding camps of violence. That in turn created the citizens to believe their actions as the character of our culture and norms.

Before I go further, allow me to remind us all what a parliament is meant to be. Then I will write about the evolution of the Somaliland parliament and where it is resting on at last. In another article, I will write about what does a member of parliament do and what skills does a member of parliament need to serve those who elected him/her.

What is a parliament?

Parliament as defined by Wilkipedia, is a type of representative assembly with the power to pass, ammend and repeal laws. The name is derived from the French - Parlement - a discussion.

Obviously, the word has gone through an evolution and rested on its modern meaning as it is used for body of people who would need to discuss matters of state.

The same meaning is given in our traditional terms and in our religion too. Golaha xildhibaanada - meel lagu gorfeeyo arimaha dowlada, sharciga lagu sameeyo, laguna badalo lagagana hadlo arimaha u dan ah dadka iyo dalkaba. Majlis Alshura - as it is known in our sharia is well emphasized in our religion and the importance of it is premised by the following verses of our holly Quran;

"... Those who answer the call of their lord and establish the paryer, and who conduct their affairs by shura...[are loved by Allah]."

"...Consult them [the people] on their affairs. Then when have taken a decision [from them], put your trust in Allah."

Parliaments have an important role to play in delivering governance which is effective in terms of reducing poverty and building democracy. Parliaments can also play an important role in ensuring that wealth is spent effectively. On the contrary the Somaliland parliament is very effective in increasing poverty, demolishing democracy and creating chaos. The Somaliland parliament is a place where the venerable are exploited. This made politics in Somaliland to become a drab, unispiring, unintelligent often humiliating and boring business.

The evolution of the Somaliland parliament:

The Somaliland parliament has developed a new theory of evolution; First, Late Egal (AU) had a hard time convincing members that it is kind of majlis alshura where government affairs are run. Some thought it just a place of "Ijabane" and came in with qaad and chew with their legs crossed on desks. Others simply thought it as a place of spending the morning hours and came in with dominos and playing cards dressed with macawis and the famous Somali sticks on their shoulders.

It really was a daring experience for Egal but finally succeeded in convincing them to just show up as it fits in their schedule and just listen and learn.

It became then, the do nothing house and a place where members sit loose, chat, and wait for the end of the month to collect the salary. A place where arogance exceeded ignorance. When Rayale came to power, it became the house of teasing and shouting; then became the fighting arena where members throw benches to each other and recently has become a shooting house and soon is expected to be taken over by Suleyman Gaal and his gangs and to become a slaughter house where Samaroons will be slaughtered.

I never felt confident the Somaliland parliament will work out a bit and that is showing nowadays. What is happening in the parliament or the boxing house if I may, is deeply depressing moments for some but to me it is a sign of complete failure and a sign of the emergence of what has been hiding in the hearts of the majority of the unintelligent, spoiled camel boys.

From Abu-Sufyaan House

Latest news coming from the house of Abu-Sufyaan ( Suleiman Gaal's house) confirmed that the gangs have been watching movies of the wild west, admired the violant life style of the then American wild west and planning to implement in the parliament as soon as possible and immitate the outlaws, becoming the camel boys of Somaliland instead of the American cowboys shooting off who ever disagrees with their filthy ideas.

Secret documents from Abu-Sufyaan house revealed this morning that the gangs (camelboys) are planning to raise two motions which really, really, really smells danger and which needs immediate counter attack:

The right to bear arms in the parliament
The right to become dadqalato so that they slaughter the Samaroon members of parliament.
Suleyman Gaal and the gangs have become politicians with mental health disorders that react by decompensation. And as is obvious, they rarely feel remorse or fear the consequenses of their misdeeds. But this only makes them culpable and dangerous.

Danger is looming:

It was reported recently that Suleyman Gaal was seen running in and around the parliament in circles like a chicken with its head cut off. He was spotted several times in rage. And as we know this is not a good sign as rage is an emotion shown by the dadqalato that affects common sense and creates disaster. We know what the known slaughterers (dadqaladu) do when in rage. I here by warn the Awdal representatives not to go any where near the parliament to avoid slaughtering. In the same token, I also warn President Rayale to take precautions as Suleyman has called upon the Gabilay dadqalato to have a feast in the parliament.

President Rayaale must declare the parliament area a "Danger zone" and issue a warning to the Samaroons in Hargeisa as the dadqalato are being invited to the parliament by Suleyman Gaal and Samaale.

Suleiman Abdi Dugsiye
This article was first published on Sept 11,2009.

Suffering in Silence:Samaroons

More than a month after innocent Samaroons were slaughtered in the middle of the road near Dilla, almost all the Samaroons any where on earth are suffering in silence not knowing what to do.

Those in the diasporo surf the net on daily basis and even sometimes on hourly basis in search of news from Awdal just to know if the cold blooded murderers (dadqalatadii) are captured. But to no avail. No news about that particular incident is breaking news and seems will never make the news any time soon.

Here in Ottawa, out of frustration, people of Samaroon are calling me by the hour and asking if at all I have any news other than what is posted in Warsanmag. It really makes me more frustrated to convey no new news to them and not being able to find anything in regards even when I call Awdal.

It is unbelievable as you would agree with me that for more than thirty some days now after the innocent Samaroons' horific death, the government of Rayaale is turning a deaf ear to the cries of the citizens of Awdal but on the contrary have full ears for all other kinds of garbage happenings in the island of insanity (Somaliland) and surely that is taking emotional toll. Its really going from bad to rediculous. I wonder if Awdal is counted out of the so called Republic of Somaliland.

I decided to go out and ask the Samaroons in Ottawa how they feel, what they expect from the government and what would they like to be the outcome. Before I share with you what they were saying, I must confess that almost everybody I talked to was still infuriated with the lack of response by the government of Hargeisa to the slaughtering of the innocent Samaroons as well as the lack of followup assistance to assure peace and security in the area.

A muddle sense of reality has Adalites feeling down and here are some excerpts of what they said:

In their own words:

" Lama maqal oo lama arag waxa Samaroon ku dhacay, Laguma talo jiro in wax laga qabto. Waxa kasii daran yada oo dhagaha laga xidhay oo doorasho loo dareerayo..." Said one Samarooni who was furious about the incident and the government.

" It is almost like some of us were slaughtered and the rest of us being stabbed at the back hundred times..., Innocent people were murdered and those who did are enjoying life somewhere in Gabilay and yet threateing to do more if not given their wishes." Said an Adelite who was extremely angry about the indifference of the government of Rayaale.

Some Samaroons were obviously mad at their peers in Borama city. Blaming the Samaroons every where for not taking revenge and expressed an unfavorable judgment on their silence.

" "Faqash" was one of the last words the innocent Samaroons heard as the murderers (dadqalatadii) were slaughtering them for just being Samaroons. And all that is coming from Borama is durmaano la garaacayo iyo mushxarad." Said another who was obviously suffering in silence.

Some were already experiencing the affects of the pressure exerted by their blood against the walls of their vessels. I could tell as they refused to talk about the Samaroon affairs.

"Ma rabo Suleymaanow inaan ka hadlo arimahaa waayo dhiig kar baa laga qaadayaa Samaroon arimahooda.." I think the Adelite was already feeling blood pressure. I did not say a word back as I did not want him suffer any more.

Some sounded like the incident proved a point they have believed in.

"Waan ogaa inay cunsuriyadi jirto meeshaa oon dowlad la wadaagi karayn..." Said another one who was not a Somaliland supporter.

While talkig to a Samarooni, a Somalil man who was sitting near by all of a sudden jumped into the conversation. He was in his late sixty's and said; "Adeer nin Isaaq ah ayaan ahay, as soon as that words hit our ears, every body looked at him and we were all like ....haye -- waa kow, he continued saying; dadku iskuma wada jiro, waxa ka dhacay Somaliland wax hore loo arkay maaha, waa wax dadnimada kasoo horjeeda, diinteena ka soo horjeeda, dhaqankeena kasoo horjeeda. Samaroon xaq bay u leeyihiin inay cadhoodaan hase la garto inay dad kasoo horjeedaan dowlada diyaarna u yihiin inay dumiyaan yaga oo adeegsanaya wixii itaalkooda iyo maskaxdoodaba ah. Waxay sameeyeen waa maskaxdooda. Muhiim kuse wuxuu yahay waxa aamusiiyay dowlada iyo ina Rayaale........" he continued a long speech and out of respect, he was given time to express his views. He concludded saying; " this is a test to Rayaale... and how he solves the problem will be seen... but I support the justice and the Samaroons..

Another Adelite tried to take our "deja vouz" track and began our favourite story of the past-- Adal iyo sheekadeedii -- as soon as I started asking questions.

"Samaroon siday ahaan jireen ee lagu yaqaanay iyo sida maanta ay yihiin...". I stopped him right there because I remembered right away the article I wrote years back named; "Awdalites and their one day" and said to him; with all due respect, please don't go there.. we already heard that more than billion times... no need to dig the graves... Allaha u naxariisto geesiyaasheenii ina dhalay. I knew he did not like it but you know our history will not solve our present problems. So it is good to leave it alone and make a new one.

Some were furious about the accident and gave up their support to Somaliland.

" Waxaan is lahaa waad dhaamaysaan koonfurta ee sida muuqata inagaaba ka daran. Waa in la tashadaa.." Said a Samarooni who showed no mercy to the Existance of Somaliland.

My opinion

It is apparent that the Samaroons are suffering in silence and looking for a solution. I believe and I am sure you will agree with me that there is a lot on our plate. We are not limited in our choices if you know what I mean. It is time to leave our history as it is and to reflect our present and long term goals if we are to make our brand new History. One way to do just that is to go out of the confederacy and obviously, the sooner, the more successful we will become and the brighter the future of our Adal.

Somaliland is not ours and as it has become clear, we are not wanted to be part of it. We are required to be despiced and to surrender. But make no mistake about it the future belongs to those who refuse to surrender. We have to refuse to surrender. Somaliland is the government of those who slaughtered our people. Those murderers did not act alone as we all know. Those people who are in control of the government have a serious case of hate and also have greedy nature which is compounding their problems. It is time we take the exit and take care of our dignity.

It is apparent that greed, selvishness and hate make people do terrible things to those around them and what happened in the Dilla road is a case in point. We do not have to wait for more killings of our people. I know there are those of us who are in love with Somaliland. But I urge them to follow the main stream of the Samaroons. There is no obtimism in the horizon. Surely exiting now is the best choice. Folks, sadly you have to let go the Somaliland you love for the good of Awdal. Let our Awdal go.

Main points:

Samaroons must put pressure on the government to do the right thing and bring justice to Awdal.

Ma aha inay Awdal ku waydo xaqeeda inankeedaa madaxwayne ah, hence, Justice must prevail.

Awdal must not go to vote. No justice, no voting.

Samaroons must unite for the sake of Samaroon dignity.

In the mean time while murderers are in the loose, Somaliland must take its flag from Samaroon land and bring it back together with the murderers. Only after, Samaroons must renegotiate about the confederacy or exit for good.

In conclusion

The good thing that the Samaroons I talked to agreed upon was the fact that there is a need for the Samaroons to revive their dignity. I am pleased to have heard them say that they are all ready to do anything just to strengthen the unity and revive the Samaroon dignity. Be reminded that united we stand tall and divided we all fall. Hence, why fall while we can stand up together strong.

Suleiman Abdi Dugsiye

This article was first published on August 30,2009

Somaliland must not be recognized by the international community

It must be clear to us all that peace is life. One of the most important rights of mankind. We all know that on July 11, this human right was infringed in Somaliland. Although the government of the cosmetic democratic Republic always claims that it protects and serves this right, the barbarous, indiscriminate slaughtering of the innocent Adelites by Gabilay cannibals (dad qalatadii reer Gabilay) proved other wise. Uptodate, those primitive, uncivilzed criminals are on the loose. And the government is dragging its feet to capture the criminals and to find a permanent peaceful solution. That being obvious to any Somalilander, the question is then; Is Somaliland a government?

First and foremost, let us remind ourselves the responsibilities of any government including that of the Somaliland which claims to be one;

Every government is responsible for the general peace of its citizens, and Somaliland is of no exception (no exception to the general rule). We know that as identified by their missions and as claimed in the constitutions, governments are to prevent social violence, war, and to promote peace and harmony throughout the land. In the same token, the constitutions also declare that it is the responsibility of the government to bring prevention-oriented and problem-free administration.

Now, it is common knowledge that governments put that in perspective. Every government that comes to power says that it would work for peace and equality. But what makes the difference is its implementation. We Somalilanders know that the government failed to protect its citizens and to serve their rights of peace. There is no peace in Somaliland at the present time. People are being slaughtered for no apparent reason. Waa la isku duulayaa oo xoolaha lakala dhacayaa oo lagu noqday casrul jaahiligii. And even worse the government is just watching and as reported, government forces are helping the criminals commit their crimes.

Remember, I said before that peace is life and one of the most important rights of mankind. That is to say Somaliland failed its own people. Therefore Somaliland is not a government and must not be allowed to be one of the recognized governments by the world community. In other words, Somaliland must not be recognized; simply because it failed to fulfil the requirements to be a legitimate government. Where there is no peace there is nothing but fear and frustration - a situation that describes well what the people of Somaliland are experiencing now.

Is Somaliland democratic?

We can think of democracy as a system of government with many key elements but I want to lay stress upon two:

The Rights of Citizens in a Democracy

In a democracy, every citizen has certain basic rights that the state cannot take away from them. These rights are guaranteed under international law. Every citizen has the right to peace. Every citizen has the right to associate with other people, and to form and join organizations of their choice, including trade unions. Every citizen is free to move about the country, and if he/she wishes, to leave the country. Every citizen has the right to justice. In a democracy, one tribe or group does not always win everything it wants. But in Somaliland viceversa is true. In a democracy all the citizens are equal before the law. However, everyone has an obligation to exercise these rights peacefully, with respect for the law and for the rights of others.

Somaliland citizens do no have the above rights and especially at the present time. No peace, no free movement etc. Therefore Somaliland is not a democratic country and hence, should not be recognized by the civilized world community.

The Rule of Law

Democracy is a system of rule by laws, not by individuals. In a democracy, the rule of law protects the rights of citizens, maintains order, and limits the power of individuals and tribes. All citizens are equal under the law. No one may be arrested, imprisoned without due process. No one is above the law, not even a tribe or an an individual. The law is fairly, impartially, and consistently enforced, by courts that are independent of the other branches of government. The rule of law places limits on the power of government. No government official may violate these limits. No governor, minister, or political party can tell a parliament or a judge how to decide a case. Office holders cannot use their power to enrich themselves. Every citizen must respect the rights of his or her fellow citizens, and their dignity as human beings.

None of the above is exercised in Somaliland. As a matter of fact, all matters contrary to the rule of laws are practiced in Somaliland. Principles and rules of democratic conduct are not observed by any body including the government officials in the land of insanity. Laws are not respected by the government. People embrace violence and take the law in their own hands with the eyeful watch of the government. Somaliland is not a place where the rule of law functions. Therefore, it should not be recognized by the international community.

Iskusoo wada xoori;

In light of the above facts, Samaroons must not waste any more time for the nonsense expectaions that will never come true. It is time for us all to take matters in our own hands and pave the way to betterment and good future with security and stability for our children. It is time for Awdalland. Waan karnaa oon kasnaa. That is a fact and we can do better than the present Somaliland where there is no peace and stability. For there is nothing but fear and frustration, we can make our own Republic. Yes the Republic of Awdalland. A government of the civilized people of Samaroon. A government for the civilized people of Samaroon. A government by the civilized people of Samaroon.

Suleiman Abdi Dugsiye

Maqaalkani wuxuu soo baxay August 26, 2009

Walaalkii loo xiiryow adna soo qoyso

Tan iyo maalintii SomaliLand calankeeda la taagay, dad badan bay ku cuslayd arintaasi oo garanaayay inay qulatayn tahay aan wayso galayn. Dadkaasi dacwadoodu waxay saldhigaysay inaanay cadaalad ku dhisnayn islamarkaana meel dheer wax ka arkaayay oo ogaa inay ujeedo ka dambayso.

Dadna way xarigeen oo calan ay ciil u qabeen baa dushooda ka muuqday oo arkaayay inay qabiilkoodu dowlad noqdeen. Qaar kalay arintoodu ahayd buuqa uun ha la raacsho oo ha la eego bal waxay ku dambayso. Akhristow dhan aad raacsanaydba arini waxay ku dambaysay "macal cune muuqan doone" kuwii yidhi baa sax ahaa.

Waxaan wada ogsoonahay in qoraalo badan laga qoray mammulka dowlada Somaliland dhan loo jeediyayba. Anigu waxaan ka mid ahaa inta badan ee wax ka qoray damiir xumida, cadaalad la'aanta, musuqmaasuqa, kali cunka, qabiil takoorka, kibirka ku salaysan wax ismoodka, wixii Afwayne riday ku dayashada iyo qudhun qadhaadhka ka dambeeya dowlada Somaliland. Inta aanan sii dheeraan aan idin xasuusiyo maqaal aan qoray May 2007 oon kaga hadlayay wakhtigaa waxa u qarsoonaa dowlada qabiilaysan ee Somaliland. Inyar oo ka mid ah qoraalkaasina waakan:

Sunday, May 13, 2007 (Ruthless betrayel of Awdal)

Somaliland Gangs

it is becoming apparent day after day that the agreed upon policy of the foundation of Somaliland is being hijacked by elements whose doctrine is embarked upon an ideology adventure which threatens the future of the Republic. These ego-centric gangs are slowly and dangerously moving the republic towards a clan state where selfishness, greed, injustice and dominance are becoming the state norm. Elements whose doctrine states to wield control onto others and whose motto are to establish an empire to bend the will of others.

Policy of Expansionism:

Those radical elements are now beginning to practice the policy of territorial and economical expansion. It is obvious that recently, stories have been planted as an effort to put a claim on Lughaye region and ceel Bardaale. The purpose is to tear the social fabric of Awdal to make able to advance the claimant interests. These elements are actively involved in various components of a propagandas campaign to turn realities upside down. This is becoming the most serious crisis since Somaliland came into existence. The overwhelming evidence both in statements by politicians in Hargeisa and practice proves that a conspiracy is in the works to tear out the social fabric of Awdal.

Akhristow bal u fiirso taariikhda qoraalkaa. Waa sanado ka hor (2007) Bal hadana u fiirso waxa maanta ka socda Ceel Bardaale. Ogowna waa iga xasuuse inay lix tuulo oo Lughaya leedahay ku jiraan moron oo indhowba aan laga footayn. Soomaalidu waxay tidhaa qofka garan waaya wixii maanta jiraa waxa soo socdana ma garto. Walee waa run. Garan waynay barigaa ololaha la bilaabay iyo wixii lagu tala jiray ee la qorshaynayay. Maantana wataa dhacday oo Ceel Bardaale ayaa lagu ururay Suldaan, Sheekh iyo shicibba.

Banaan, buur iyo bad wixii Samaroon uu lahaa qayb bay ku jiraan. Tolkayna dhowdhowduba uma dhacsana oo dhalaan habaabis baa loo xarigayaa. Dowlad aan jirin oon jiri doonin oo aduunkiiba iska diiday ayaa la inagu sirayaa. Xusbiyo aan macno buuran lahayn baa la inagu hoosaasinayaa oo la iskaga keen horkeenayaa. Marna raaxeeyihii la yaqaanay baa la inoo tumayaa markaasaa dhulkeena taako taako loo xariiqanayaa. Waar bal eega waxa Ceel Bardaale ka dhacaaya. Ma dhicid baa loo badheedhay. Ma cidii kalaba yeelkeed baa kol hadaan muftaaxii midigta ku haysto.

"Guurtida dhexdhexaadinta:"

Sidaan ogsoonahay gurrtida waxa kaga jiray Samaroon nin qudha. Cadaaladi kama muuqan karto hadii marka horaba ayna isku dheeli tirnayn tirada dhexdhexaadku. Hadiise ay aamineen Samaroon guurtida maxaa ku dhacay xushmadii iyo dhaqankii Somali lahayd iyo Alla ka biqii cadaaladeed. Aniga waxay ila tahay qalad bay ahayd in la aamino marka horeba waayo hore ayaan u eednay aaminkaa markii dowlada Somaliland Borama lagu samaynayay saami qaybsiga ee arintu ahayd in calanka la taago saami qaybsigana lagu noqdo. Taasina waxay ku dambaysay waan wada ogsoonahay. Samaroonow xasuusta mar la dage Allaa dagay markale la dagana isagaa is dagay.

"Dowladay fulinteedu u taalaa:"

Waxa la yaable in eex la isku raaco oo hadana lagu baaqo dowladay fulinta go'aanku u taalaa. Su'aashuse waxay tahay talow wa ayo dowladu? Bal ila eega dowlada wax fulinaysa oo aan soo jiidno jadwalkeenii caamka ahaa:

Dowlada fulnaysa go'aamadii guurtida dhexdhexaadinta:

Somaliland house of representative

70% Isaaq

Somaliland house of elders

60% Isaaq

Somaliland Executive chamber

70% Isaaq

Somaliland justice

100% Isaaq

Somaliland National Election commission

90% Isaaq

Akhristow bal jadwalkaa aad ugu fiirso. Ma Samaroon baa dowladaasi mise waa dowlad Isaaq. Wax moranii kama taagna inay dowladaas kor ku taala abtirsiinteedu noqonayso Isaaq. Miyayna markaasi arinkii lagu baaqay ee ahaa inay dowlada u taalo fulinta go'aankii guurtida dhedhexaadku macneheegu ahayn "Isaaq bay fulinteedu u taalaa!!!" Siday aniga ila tahay waa sidaa macnaheegu. Maxaa yeelay dowladu waa Isaaq...Isaaqna waa dowlada......

Dhan kale hadii aan ka eegno, arintii kale ee yadna lagu dhawaaqay ee ahayd Samaroon hubdhig ha lagu sameeyo oo dowladu haku samayso miyayna taas qudheedu macnaheegu ahayn Isaaq hubka haka qaado Samaroon. Ma xasuusatay barigii arintii odhanaysay SNM hubka Samaroon haka qaado. Wixiiba inuu dhan kale isku badilay soo arki maysid??? Allaha sahlee waxbaa silig silig leh!!!!

"Rayaale bay u taalaa arintaa Fulinteedu"

Mid kale ayaa amuur lala yaabo ah. Taasina waa dhawaaqii lagu baaqay ee odhanaayay Madaxwayne Rayaale ayay fulinta goa'aamadii guurtidu u taalaa. Miyaanan la ogayn Rayaale maaha Afwaynihii dulumka lala hoos galayay ee dhulka u boobayay islamarkaana golihii sare ee kolba beer lagu magacaabayay in waa cusubi waa hore ka baryay. Rayaale waa madaxwayne la doortay oon diyaar u ahayn beero in uu dad ka qaado dadkaleetana u siiyo. Afwayne laxojeclo kama haynin Ceel Bardaale oo wuxuu u arkaayay dhul shisheeye. Madaxwayne Rayaale waa dhulkiisii dadkiisana dulmi maayo ee ruwaayadaas ha la iloobo.

Maxaa u yaala Samaroon?

Dadka qaar baan ka maqlaa yaga oo odhanaaya reer Nuur bay u taalaa arintaasi. Waar miyaan la ogayn wixii reer Nuur u yaala inay Samaroon na u yaalaan. Reer Nuur waa u diyaar inuu dulum qaadani waayo oo foojignaan bay ku jiraan waana u diyaar inay xaqooda daafacaan ee Samaroonow xasuusta odhaahdii tayada lahayd ee odhanaysay "Walaalkii loo xiiryow soo qoyso."

Hadii sidaa lagu qaato Ceel Bardaale ogaada inay badaheena balaadhani ku xigayaan. Ogaada buuraheena in loo tashanaayo. Hadii Samaroonow inuun aan wax isku falayno, maantay taagantahay arinteenu. Saami biirsi ayaan filaynee ma dhulkeena oo dhibyaraan lagu qaato ayaa maanta ka dambaysay. Waar ha la baraarugo oo dadkeena iyo dalkeena dantooda ha la eego.

Samaroons must be in this together and I remind them the old saying that is as true today as it was long ago:

"It is very easy to snap one stick, but very difficult to snap a bundle."

Iskusoo wada xoori, Samaroonow sadex waa iga xasuus:

- Sidii adeerkay u sheegay waa suldaankii suldaanadee (Suldaan Suleymaan), Somaliland waa qulayti aan wayso galayn.

- "Walaalkii loo xiiryow soo qoyso" waa odhaah qaayo leh oo tilmaamaysa ogow adigaa ku xigee.

- "Usha ku garab jiid hadii uu garan waayana goga u gali." Macne kale uma baahna

Suleiman Abdi Dugsiye

Maqaalkani wuxuu soo baxay 2009-08-09

Isbadalka u keenay Obama

Salaanta Islaamka ee wanaagsan wixii ka dambeeya, akhristow ila eeg sheekadan hoos ku taala. Waa sheeko dhex martay wiil iyo aabihii oon u joogay. Waa sheeko cadaynaysa isbadalada badan ee durba doorashada madaxwayne Obama ay dadkeena u keentay.

Laba maalmood ka hor baan meel la yidhaahdo "Tim Hortons" shaah u fadhiistay. Markaan galay maqaaxidaa ayaa waxaan islamarkiiba isha ku dhuftay odey iyo wiilkii oo Soomaali ah. Aniga oo sita shaahaygii ayaan salaamay markaasaan meel aan ka fogayn la fadhiistay. Islamarkiiba hadalkooda oo hore iiga horeeyay ayaa waxa kusoo duulay dhagahayga ereyo aan jaclaaday. Sidan baanay sheekadu intaan kasoo gaadhay u dhacaysay:

Aabihii wiilka: "Aabo aduunka maanta isbadalo badan baa ka socda, hordhiciina waa doorashada Obama".

Wiilkii: " Waa run aabo oo wax aan la filayn baa dhacay.."

Aabihii: "Aabo waa runtaa oo waa waxaan la filayn ee hadana Obama isagaa is gaadhsiiyay halkaa maanta u joogo..."

Wiilkii: "Waa run aabo.."

Aabihii: "Himilo dheer buu lahaa oo habeen iyo maalin uu diyaar u ahaa. Waxaan laga hadhin aaboy mar uun baa la helaa. Gidaar kaad dumistiisa kari waydana mar uun buu kuu jilcaa ood dumisaa. Obama dhiiranaantiisa iyo dadaal buu ku dumiyay waxyaalo badan oo adkaa."

Wiilkii: " Waa run aabo oo waxaad ku dadaashid mudhaheeda waad anfacsataa mar ay noqotaba..."

Aabihii:" Aabo tilmaam u qaado liibaanta Obama. Himilo fiican samayso oo tusaale hakuu noqdo Obama. Aabo wakhtigaaga ilaasho oo dadaalkaaga ogow. Aabo ficiina halkan ku dhashay albaabo badan baa idiin furmay ee ogow qofba waa siduu u galo albaabadaasi furmaya."

Wiilkii: " Aabo arini siday kolayba tahay waa ta Eebe ee waa hadal wanaagsan. Waanan dadaali oon maskaxdayda ku hayn in dariiqa an xaadho anigu aan mari doono."

Markay sheekadu intaas marayso ayaan adkaysan waayay. Waan kacay aniga oo ku goostay inaan bal ku biiro sheekada wanaageeda.

Dugsiiye: "Ereyada wanaagsan eed is waydaarsanaysaan ayaan jeclaaday. Hadii aad raali ka tihiin ma idinla wadaagi karaa?

Aabihii: "Soo dhawow adeero." markaasaan inankii ku jeestay.

Dugsiiye: "Adeero, dad is right... We the grown ups have nothing much in this country, but those of you who were born here have everything ahead of you. Adeeroy sidaad sheegtay, as you make your bed you will lie on it. Tusaalo wanaagsan buu Obama idin siiyay. Kolba sidaad wax u samaysataan ayaad wax ku noqonaysaan. Save what dad is telling you in a special place in your heart. Live with it and remind yourself every night before you go to bed. You can do it. Adeeroy rest assured you can do it. And remember me the day you are nominated for the prime minister of Canada..." Wiilkii ood moodo inuu qiirooday ayaa kacay markasuu gacanta iisoo fidyay oo isalaamay.

Wiilkii: "Yes I can do it and I must do it.... thanks adeero."

Dugsiiye: " aabo inanka u ducee waa wiil khayr qaba oo balantaa wuu adkayni."

Intaa markaan is dhaafsanay ayaan ka dhaqaajay. Islamarkiiba dhawaaq baa dhagahaygii ku bilaamay. Ereyadii wiilka ayaan xasuustay... Yes I can do it. Aniga oo naftayda la hadlaya ayaan is xasuustay... wanaag baa dhalintii Soomaaliyeed u bilaamay oo himiladii Obama ayaa dariiq toosan u tilmaamtay. Aleylehe waabaa baryay bilicsan arooryo baxsan maalin boqoran...

Siday ila tahay sheekadaasi wa mid dhex taala reeraha qurba jooga oo dhan. Waa mid u furtay dariiq in aabaha qurba joogii ilmahiisa xasuusiyo kuna dhiiri galiyo sida madaxwayne Obama ugasoo dhex baxay qeerkii. Waa mid islamarkaa u noqotay hadal hayn dadka da'da ya ee qurbo jooga ah. Waxaan dhowr jeer xitaa ka maqlay caruur ka yar toban jir oo isku tilmaamaya Obama. Siday u egtahay Obama isbadal badan buu keenay ee bal an eegno wixii ka rumooba.

Qoraalka intiisa kale:

Waa hubaal inay isbadalo xoog lehi ka dhacayaan aduunka maanta. Umadaha isku tilmaama inay hore u mareena waxaad moodaa inay horseedka dhacdooyinkaa yihiin. Taasna waxa markhaati ka ah isbadalka ka dhacay waqooyiga Ameerika ee saamaynaysa doorashada mudane Obama jagada madaxtooyada. Qolooyinka ka dhacay wakhtiga cusub ee wali dugsanaya qudhunka islamarkaana laaqanayana qadhaadh ee dib u socodkuna waxay muujinayaan maalin walba rajci nimadooda yaga oo raali ku ah inay laaqdaan qadhmuun iyo inay ku noolaadaan hab nololeed socon waayay oo laga quustay.

Dadka Maraykankii waxay si cad u muujiyeen inay noloshooda u hureen dimouqraadiyad buuxda iyo sinaan ay dadku siman yihiin. Waa arin ayna ka sinayn dowladaha reer galbeedku oo gaar u ah shicibka Maraykanka. Inaku (Soomaali ahaan) meel shishe oo boodh badan, xaasid iyo xumaan badan ayaan taaganahay oo waan ogsoonahay wali qabyaalad iyo wax badan oon macno lahayn baan ku dul rafanaynaa waana nasiibkeen.

Doorashada dadka Maraykanku doorteen Mudane Obama waxay dhalisay odoros iyo farxad. Waa arin ay ku cadeeyeen dadka ilbixii ee tixgalinaya sinaanta iyo dimuqraadiyadu inayna ka soconayn arimo badan oo aduunka intii hore lagaga dhaqmi jiray. Waa arin ay ku cadeeyeen in uu casri cusubi u bilaamay aduun waynaha. Waxay noqotay doorashada Obama waa cusub oo u baryay dadyowga sinaanta jecel iyo dimuqraadiyada.

Kuwa kasoo horjeeda hore u socodka iyo sinaanta dadka Eebe abuuray ee islamarkaa diidan dimuqraadiyada buuxda waxay ku noqotay habeen dam ah oo mugdi ah oo ay ku hadheen. Islamarkaana waxa hubaal ah inay ku rafanayaan bari hore wixii jiray iyo carar kolba dhan ay u cararayaan sidii ceersaanyada.

Madaxwayne Obama oo ah nin da’diisu yartahay waxa uu si hubaal ah oo maskax buuxda ku dheehantahay oo casriyaysan u fuliyay himiladiisii ahayd inuu mar aduunka badalo wax badana beeniyo. Arintaasi si haboon oo qurux badan ayay u fushay dadka Maraykankuna ku garab galeen. Caadna ma saarna inuu habkaa cusubi u noqondoono dhaqan joogto ah aduunka maanta nin diida iyo nin doonaba.

Taariikhda Cusub:

· Waa markii ugu horaysay ee nin madoobi ka taliyo cariga Maraykanka iyo Aduunkaba.

· Waa markii ugu horaysay ee guriga cad (White House) uu galo madaxwayne madow.

· Waa markii ugu horaysay ee marwada u horaysa (First lady) ay noqoto naag madow.

· Waa markii ugu horaysay ee tartanka doorashada madaxwayne musharax madoobi kaga badiyo musharax cad.

· Waa markii ugu horaysay ee shicibka maraykanka ee cadi si xoogle u doortaan musharax madow.

· Waxayna noqonaysaa markii ugu horaysay ee Madaxwayne madow oo maraykanii hogaanka u qabto madaxwaynayaasha aduunka qaar koodna farta ugu yeedho.... (hadii aad ila garanayso).

Bal u fiirso siday wax isku badaleen. Shalay bay ahayd madaxwayne cad oo marwo madow u magacaabay wasiirka arimaha dibada ee maraykan. Maantana madaxwayne madow ayaa marwo cad u magacaabay jagadaas. Shalay dhalinta madow mustaqbalkooda waxay ku tilmaamsanayeen mugdi iyo awoodooda oon la tixgalin. Maantana dhalinteenu heeryadii saarnayd ka duushay, himiladoodiina sare u kacday oo waxay ku taamayaan Obamahooga qarsooni inuu soo baxo.

Isbadalo horle:

Doorashada Madaxwayne Obama waxay ka dul qaaday dadka madow ee aduunka wahab saarnaa. Waxay ka sifaysay indhahooga ceeryaan saarnayd. Waxay u noqotay aabaha madow tusaalo uu ilmahiisa u siiyo. Waxay u noqotay caruurteena qurbaha ku dhalatay indho fur iyo himilo cusub. Waxay baabiisay oo ay masaxday beentii aduunka loo sheegay ee ahayd inuu qofka cadi ka maskax sareeyo ka madow. Waxay beenisay arintii la samaystay ee ahayd qof madoobi maamul sare ma qaban karo.

Doorashada Madaxwayne Obama farxad bay ku abuurtay dadka hore umarka iyo sinaanta jecel. Dad badan oo aqoonyahan ah, waxgarad ah madaxwaynayaal ah hada iyo kuwa ahaan jirayba ammaan iyo wanaag iyo isbadal aduun waynaha ku dhacay ayay dhacdadaa ku tilmaameen. Waxase wali jira cadduuro uuna dhow dhowduba u dhacsaneen oo ka xun hore u marka aduunku u gaadhay. Xumaani isma qarisee markii uu qalbigooga mugdiga dhex dabaalanayaa qaadan kari waayay waaga bilicsan ee aduunka u baryay ayay xumaan iyo aflagaado xunqaaceen. Akhristow bal ila eeg odhaahyadan soo socda iyo faaladooda:

" Obama, former and current secretaries of state Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice, and "the likes" fit the description of "house slaves." Ayman Alzawahiri.

"Obama is handsome, young and also tanned." Berlusconi (Italian prime minister).

Qadaafiga Libiya ayaa isna laga sheegay inuu ku jawaabay isaga oo cabiraya fikradiisa mar wax laga waydiiyay magacaabintii loo magacaabay Mudane Obama musharaxa xisbiga dimuqraadiga inuuna noqon karayn madaxwaynaha dalka maraykanka sobobtuna tahay inuu yahay nin madow sidaas daraadeedna uuna lahaan karin awood maamul oo wadaysa wadankaasi.

Waa xumaantii dunida oo malaasan. Waxa ay ka siman yihiin odhaahyadaasi waa madow diid iyo xumaan cunsuri oo qalbigooga ku jirta. Waxay muujiyeen dib u socodkooda iyo inay halaasi ku jiraan kalina ay ku hadheen mugdi iyo xumaan. Siddeed sano oo Bush madaxwayne ahaa midna midab ma hadal qaadin. Maanta oo Mudane Obama loo doortay madaxwayne durba midab nac ayay jeebka kala soo baxeen.

Wadaadkaa gadhka wayn leh miyuuna ogayn dhibta aduun waynuhu ku qabo. Miyuu indhaha iska qabtay hadii aanahay qurba jooga wadanada reer galbeedka dhibaatada aan ku qabno wax kalaba daayoo magacdooda aan sidano. Miyuu garan waayay xushmo iyo xaqdhowr siday diinteenu ina fartay. Kalmadii "cabid" ee qalbigiisa ku taalay hadii uu qarsan waayay wadaadkaa god ku jirkii waa dhibaato u taalee waa wuxuu ka guraa.

Run bay sheegtay markii ay u jawaabtay marwada madaxwayne Sarkuzi (France) inuu yahay Berlusconi ceeb dul taala Talyaani. Madowgu waa midab Eebe dadkiisa uu ku abuuray ee Berlusconiyow qalbigaaga xumaan baa ka madow. Mudane Obama ayaa gurigaa cad u sareeyee dhulkaaga qudhmuuni ha ku deeqo ee gurigaa haku siyaaran oo yaanan lagu arkin adiga oo daba nashlaynaya Obama.

Maxaa waalay oo wareershay dibigan go'a wayn leh miyuu afkiisa haysto. Taanbuug maaha aduunku ee Qadaafow nasiib baad ku baxdoo badrool buu eebe ku siiyee waxaad tahay gurcud dam ah. Hadii ra'yigaagu quruurad yahay inaad dadka hadal ku shiido maahee inyar uun macno yeelo. Ilamana aha inaad dood ka bixin karto cid wax maamuli karta iyo cidaan karin. Waa abaalkayo marka wadankaagu 75% dadkiisu madow yahay inaad bulaacad daacdo. Kuwaa deeqdooda aad cunayso miyaad xushmo u quudhi wayday. Badroolka Eebe ku siiyay ayaa magac aanad lahayn kuu sameeyee Qadaafow walee waxaad tahay habeen dam ah.

Iskusoo wada xoori, doorashada madaxwayne Obama siday u egtahay isbadal ra'yi bay u keentay dadka midabka leh. Su'aashuse waxay tahay hadii uu Obama midabkii maraykan daaqada uu ka tuuray, talow ma inagu dhex jiraa Obama qabyaalada iyo macno darideena daaqada ka tuura? Hadii uu Obama isku ururiyay maraykan cadaan iyo madowba, talow ma inagu dhex jiraa Obama ina mideeya?Gabagabduna waxay tahay... baaba'naye Allow Obama noo bixi!!!!!

Maqaalakani wuxuu soo baxay Nov.25,2008

Suleyman Cabdi Dugsiiye


Socdaalkaygii Samaroonland

Waxwalba hortii salaan qaali ah oo sharafi ku dheehantahay aan u gudbiyo akhristayaasha aniga oo idinle Salaamu Calaykum. Aniga oo dhawaan kasoo noqday S/Land iyo Jabuuti ayaa inta badan la i waydiiyaa inaan ka waramo wixii aan soo arkay. Maanta maqaalkan ayaan isku dayi inaan kaga waramo aniga oo islamarkaa rajaynaya in laga faaidaysto oo la ogaado wixii jira dhulka iyo sidii hadii aan nahay qurba jooga qayb libaaxle looga qaadan lahaa dhismaha iyo hore u marinta Samaroonland. Islamarkaa aan ku adkeeyo qoraalka inuu warkani iyo fikradahuba yihiin wax aniga ii gaar ah (my own opinion) ee hadii ay kula xumaato akhristow anigaa ka masuul ah ee cidkale ha u raacin.

Jabuuti baan ku horeeyay oon dhowr cisho joogay. Markaan S/Land u anbabaxayay ayaan jeclaaday in aan sidii awalba markaan yaraa u dhoofi jiray xasuusto oon baaburta raaco si aan usii arkana dhulka. Baabuur (Land cruiser) ayaan ka raacay jabuuti ilaa Borama.


Ujeedadayda oo ahayd inaan sii daawado dhulka ayaa waxaan ka xumahay inaanan arag magaaladii samaroon ee taariikhda dheer lahayd oon rabay inaan arko bal waxay ku danbaysay. Baaburto (Landcruisers) ma maraan Zeilac. Taasi waa niyad jabkii ugu horaynba igu dhacay waanan ka xumahay. Dariiqu aad buu u xumaa oo marnaba ma ahayn meel baabur dad sida lagu aamino. Waxaad moodaa in qasab lagu marinayo baabuurta waana isku mid buur iyo banaan. Meel wal oo baabuurku marayaba khatar baa lagu sugnaa. Waa dariiq faraha laga qaaday ood moodo in dowladuna daayacday oonay dan iyo muraad ka lahayn isku xidhida magaalooyinka iyo socodka dadkaba. Dariiqii hore ayaa boqolkiiba boqol ka fiicnaa. Awdal iyo Salal dariiqyadooda dadkuna awood uma laha hagaajintooda dowladuna muraad kama laha oo waxaad moodaa inayna ku jirin S/land. Si walba arintu ha ahaato ee ta ugu darani waa khatarta dadku ku jiraan.

Meel meel baan arkayay in dad samaynayaan yaga oo adeegsanaya muruqooda iyo qalab ah madaraq iyo majarafad. Markaan waydiiyay dirawalkii in dadkani ay yihiin dad ay dowladu soo dirtay oo ka shaqaynaya wadada, wuxuu ii sheegay in ay ku shaqaynayaan iskaa wax u qabso iyo yaga oo ku dadaalaya inay wadadu jirto si ay baabuurtu ugu yimaadaan hadii kale meel kale bay iska marayaan oo xitaa magaaladaba way ka weecanayaan. Wuxuu kale oo u ii sheegay dirawalkii inay ku noolyihiin dadkaasi kolba waxa yar ee baabuurto u tuurto. Waanan arkayay baabuur walba inuu istaagayo oo xoogaa u tuurayo. Waa iga suaale markay arini sidaa u dhacday ma dowlad ku sheegaa dowlad ah mise dadkaa shicib ka ah ee danaysanaya ayaa dowlada?

Dariiq xumida Awdal iyo Salal mid aan ku koobi karo maaha qoraal. Waxaase igaga filan inaan sheego in baabuurkii (Land cruiser) aan la soconay markuu marayo buurta Xaliimaale dusheeda nala qalimo. Nasiib wanaag inkasta oon kula soconay jilib reer Jaamac ah (Dugsiiye Jaamac) cidi waxba kuma noqon waana eebe mahadii. Inkasta oo xoogaa halkaa aan ku riiqanay, ka dib markii baabuur kale iyo gurmad naloosoo diray ayaan socdaalkii halkii kasii wadnay.

Magaalo iyo tuulo walba waxa ka muuqatay daayac iyo dhaqaale xumo. Waxaanad meel walba garataa oo aad tabaysaa waxa maqani inay tahay wixii dowladi qaban lahayd. Shicibku dadaal badan bay muujiyeen oo waad garataa sida meel walba loo dhistay ee xaga laga dhintay waa waxtarkii dowladnimo. Qunujeed markaan marayno een dhinac walba eegay ayaa waxaan xasuustay maqaal uu qoray Bahdon oo cinwaankiisu ahaa " Egal's legacy haunts Awdal" aniga oo madaxa lulaya ayaan niyada ka idhi; " may Rayaal's legacy shines Qunujeed one day." Sawiradii aansoo qaadayna Bahdon baan ku wareejay.


Farxad bay ii ahayd inaan gaadho magaaladii aan ku dhashay een ku barbaaray een waxbarashadaydiina ka bilaabay. Caasimada Borama way dhisantay oo waxaad moodaaba inay ku dhowdahay Ottawa. Magaalada dhexdeeda dariiqyadu waa sidii aan hore usoo sheegay oo dadka iyo gaadiid kaba way ku adagtahay inay maraan. Waxaad moodaa inay dadka tiradoodu bateen oo dhagaxda waxa ka badan dadka. Dadkayagii hore ee reer Borama way ku adagtahay inay gartaan meelba meesha ay ahayd oo dhismihiiba wuu isbadilay meel walbana waxbaa laga dhistay. Aragtidii hore iyo khariidadii aad maskaxda ku haysay kuma anfacayso ee waa in meel walba laguu sheegaa waxay ahaan jirtay.

Waxyaabaha ay hore ugu martay Caasimada Borama waxa ka mid ah biyaha oo meel walba gaadhey aan go'ayna. Korontada oo meel walba gaadhey 24/7 socotana oon marnaba go'ayn. Xaga tiknoolajiga cusub hore u mar wayn baa laga gaadhay oo waxaad moodaa inay meelaha qaarkoodba inagaga horeeyaan siibana isgaadhsiinta. Cid walba mobile bay haysataa miyi iyo magaalo oo isgaadhsiintu way isku filaatay.

Dhinaca shabakada internet ka waan ka mabsuuday. Inkasta oo wali uuna gaadhin guryaha hadana markaad tagto internet caffe ga waxaad la yaabaysaa sida surcadiisu u badabtahay, loo halayo (reliable), rakhiisna u yahay. Intaasna ogow akhristow dadweynaha ayaa samaystay oo dowladi shuqul kuma laha.

RaysLand (Waa Rays Hotel)

Huteelka Rays ee Borama runtii waan ka mabsuuday. Waxaanan ugu tala galay maqaal gaar ah inaan kaga waramo dul ilaa dacal. Maqaalka ka hor waxa sharaf ii ah inaan u mahad celiyo Mudane Idriss islamarkaana ku hambalyeeyo wanaaga iyo sharafta uu usoo hooyay caasimada Borama.


Ilaha shaqo ee wadanku leeyahay waa dowlada iyo hay'adaha samafalka. Tan iyo markii Cigaal (AU) madaxweyne ahaa waxaad moodaa in si gaar ah dhaqaalaha iyo hore u markaba loogala dagaalamo gobolka Awdal. Markii laga rarey hay'adihii samafalka Borama ee Hargeisa la iskugu geeyey ayey ka bilaabantey burburinta ilaha dhaqaale ee gobolka Awdal. Waanan wada ogsoonahey iney ujeedadu aheyd in gobolo gaar ah la naas nuujiyo oo loo sameeyo ilo shaqo si ey u kobciso dhaqaalaha goboladaa. Taasina waxay dhalisay oo ilaa maanta jirta shaqo la'aan gobolada Awdal iyo Salal oon xad lahayn. Ku biiri xafiisyada dowlada oo dhan oo yaguna yihiin Hargeysa. Natiijadu waxay noqotay oo run ah inay dhalinteenii jaamacadaha kasoo qalin jabiyay shaqo la'aan joogaan Borama. Ilahii dhaqaale hadii Awdal laga mamnuucay sidee loogu talagalay inay dadka reer Awdal iyo Salal shaqo u helaan.....Waa runtii Bahdoone miyayna ahayn "Egal's legacy haunts Awdal."


Dowlada S/land waxaad moodaa iney u qoondeysey Awdal iney gobolada u noqoto seylad laga shaqeysto. Dekadaha Awdal si walba ha ahaadaane markii laga mamnuucey in wax laga diri karo waxna laga soo dajin karo ayey ujeedadu aheyd in Berbera uun albaabku noqdo. Taasina waxey keentey garbo duub iyo iney Awdal ku xidhnaato awood cidkale. Hadii aad Lowyacado joogto iyo hadii aad Dilla joogtaba albaabka aduunka kuugu furani waa dekadeyda Berbara... macnaheedu waa garba duub aan xad laheyn.

Taasi waxay dhalisay awood laxaad le oo ay heleen ganacsatada gobolada kale. Awooda badan ee dowlada S/Land ay siisay ganacsatada goboladaa waxay dhalisay oo kale in ganacsatada reer Awdal ku daba faylaan qolooyinkaa awooda gaar ah la siiyay. Waana mid muuqata markaad Borama tagto ood garanayso in hogaanka ganacsigu ku xidhanyahay dadkaa la naas nuujinayo oo ganacsatadii reer Awdal noqotay inay wakiil u noqdaan dadkaa jeebka loo buuxinayo. Meherad laha wakiil u ah reer hebel uun baa nool... kol hadaan ??? midigta ku haysto ...... Akhristow adigay ku jirtaaye sidaad doonto u buuxso...

Diiwaan galinta

Markaan joogay Borama ma socon diiwaan galintu. Dadkuse diyaar bay u ahaayeen qofba si uu u fahamsanyahayba. Waxayna ahayd arin ay sugayeen oo ay ku lifaaqayeen saami qaybsiga iyo wadaaga awooda dowladeed. Waxayse mar walba carabka ku dhufanayeen in ay filayaan in qalad dhici doono hase ahaatee may filayn sida hada wax ay u dhaceen. Waxa wakhti walba aan maqlayay tashwiish kolba lagu furayo dadka oo ujeedadu ahayd in lagu niyad jabiyo si ayna uga qayb qaadan diiwaan galista. Waxa ka mid ahayd tashwiishyadaa in suuqa lasoo galiyay in reer Yurubku waxan wato oo ay qaadanayaan magacda dadka is diiwaan galiya si looga ilaaliyo loogana hor tago dadyowga u tahriibaya Yurub. Waxaanad garan kartaa akhristow baaxida tashwiishkaasi leeyahay iyo niyad jabka uu keeni karo. Waxaase hubaal ahayd inayna dadka reer Awdal dhag u dhigayn waanay muuqatay siday ugu soo baxeen diiwaan galinta.

Waan wada ogsoonahay sida foosha xunle ee wax loo waday. Waan ogsoonahay maamul xumida ka dhacday Awdal iyo barnaamijyada qarsoon ee shirqoolka leh ee soo shaac baxay. Waxaase la yaable shicib waynaha reer Awdal oo diyaar u ah in si fiican loo diiwaan galiyo iyo sida dowladu u diidantahay in tiro sax ah la qaado. Maxaa loo diidanyahay in Awdal tiradeeda saxa la ogaado?

Waxaan la yaabay komishanka oo durba sheegtay inay guul ka gaadheen howlihii ay ka qabteen Awdal. Ma sidaasaa maamulkoodo? Ceeb iyo fool xumo ayay usoo hooyeen dowladay ka socdeen, dadkana dhib iyo rabshad bay u keeneen oon wada ogsoonahay. Komishanku hadii ay wanaag wadeen waxay ahayd inay shaqadooda hore u qabtaan. Waxay ahayd in ay hubiyaan inuu habka wax ay u wadaani yahay mid saxa oo kalsooni leh. Waxay ahayd in ay qalabka hubsadaan ay adeegsanayaan wax walba hortii. Waxay ahayd inay hubiyaan shaqaalahooda tiro iyo tayaba. Waxaanan wali garan kombiyuutarada (Computers) aan ku kululaanin Barbara oo xeeb kulul ah markay usoo talaabeen Awdal na ay sidii baabuurtii hore ee dhiisalka ahayd kululaadeen.

Wakhtiyadan hada la joogo cid walba diiday Awdale talow qalabka qudhiisu ma Awdal diidbaa??? Sida la ogsoonyahay hawshii diiwaangalintu waxay ku dhamaatay in tirada dadka la diiwaan galiyay tahay 40%, Boqolkiiba lixdan baa hadahay. Maxay guul ka gaadheen komishanku? Waxbaa halkaa ka uraya... soo bixi doonana reer Awdalow. Hadii wax la hagaajinayo waxay ila tahay in la hirgaliyo qodobadan:

· Marka howl dad loo magacaabo, hadii ay xilka kasoo bixi waayaan dadkaasi way is casilaan ... waa aduunka fayow... Howshii loo xilsaaray hadii lagasoo bixi waayay malaha waxa ku haboonayd in ay madaxda komishanku is casilaan oo howsha loo dhiibo cidii kale ee kasoo baxaysa.

· Waa in ay dadka reer Awdal diidaan natiijada soo baxday oo ah 40% dadka tirada guud. Waa in ay amraan (codsi iyo baryo iyo niic maaha waayo waxaad xaq u leedahay looma niico) in diiwaan galinta lagu noqdo oo la dhamaystiro yada oo la hubinayo habka, tirada iyo tayada shaqaalaha iyo awooda qalabka ka hor intaan dib loo bilaabin oo waliba isha lagu hayo sida habku u socdo ileen kalsooni luntaye.

· Dowladu waa in ay isha ku hayso fulinta diiwaan galinta si ay u ilaaliso xaqa dadka reer Awdal leeyihiin

Isbadalka siyaasadeed ee aduunka shicibka ayaa sameeya waayo cid ka awood badani ma jirto dadku markay wax wada doonayaan isku duuban yihiina. Reer Awdalow idinkaa ka sareeya Dahir Somaliland. Idinkaa ka sareeya Ismaaciil komishan. Idinkaa ka sareeya awoodaha kale ee idin hirdiyaysa. Idnika oo isku duuban ayaad xaqiina heli kartaan oo hore kali kali wax loogu waa.

Waxaanan ogsoonahay kadib markaan u fiirsaday dadkii badnaa een la kulmay in hadii ay jirto Samaroon wax ay isku raaceen ay tahay inayna Awdal u tirsanayn dowlada, inayna marnaba ka filayn cadaalad dowlada S/Land, sidaa tarteed Samaroonow xaqiina isku duubni ku doonta, waana hubaal inaad helaysaan maxaa yeelay runtu siday tahay Somaliland qudheedu waa Samaroon. Waxaan u jeedaa hadii Samaroon ka dhaqaajo Somaliland jiri mayso oo waxay ku dambayn Isaaqland iyo Samaroonland. Idinkaa isteerinka u hayee bal meel uun ku adkaysta... ku jooga amma ka jooga.

Codsi gaar ah

Intaanan soo gabagabayn qoraalkan waxaan rabaa in aan qurba jooga reer Awdal u sheego arin aan hore loo ogayn oo u baahan kaalmadeena. Waxaad wada ogsoontihiin in caruurta dugsiyada heer walba laga bixiyo lacag. Wadciga maanta jira Awdal iyo Salal way ku adagtahay lacagtaa caruurta laga bixinayo. Mid iyo laba hadii la awoodi karo wixii ka badan reerna ma awoodi karo.

Walaalayaalow waxa jira reero aan xitaa awoodi karayn qof qudha inay ka bixiyaan lacagtaa waxbarashada. Siday dhalin macalimiin ahi iiga warameen amma aan garan karnaba, taasi waxay dhalisay in caruur badan oo walaalaheen ahi waxbarasho shuqul ku lahayn. Waxbarashadoodiina waxay u waayeeni waa sabool ahaan aanay dadkoodi awoodi karayn mid qudha inay waxbarasho u diraan.

Walaalayaal, qurba joogow, waxaan idinka codsanayaa bal inaan ka fiirsano sidii aan u badbaadin lahayn caruurteenaa waxbarashadoodii ku xidhnaatay lacag. Fadlan siday kula tahay akhristow bal ilasoo xidhiidh hadii aad figrad haysana lawadaag walaalahaaga reer Awdal iyo Salal. Waajib bay inagu tahay inaan badbaadino waxbarashada caruurteena. Waa inaan ka damqanaa ereyada aabuhu leeyahay; "iskuul tagi maysid ilmahaygow oo lacag baa la rabaa aan awoodi karayn..." Lacagtaasina waa in ka yar intaan coffee ga ku cabno. Ma intaasaanan la siini karayn caruurteena??? Walaalayaalow bal sidaan ku badbaadin karayno waxbarashada caruurteena igala soo xidhiidha amma sidaan u bilaabi lahayn barnaamij ah "leave no child behind". Ha la helo hab caruurtaa u saamaxaaya inay wax bartaan.

Ankusoo xidho qoraalkan aniga oo u mahad naqaya dhalintii badnayd een la kulmay een iswaydaarsanay macluumaad badan islamarkaana salaan qaali ah u gudbiyo. Samaroon meel wal oo ay joogaana aan xasuusiyo inay Somaliland tahay Samaroon oo hadii uu Samaroon ka dhaqaajo Somaliland u dhamaatay. Taas macnaheedu waxa weeyi isteerinka idinkaa hayee bal dhan uun u qaloocsha oo waliba dhinaca inoo khayr badan u qaloocsha.

Maqaalkani wuxuu soo baxay Nov.26, 2008

Suleyman Cabdi Dugsiiye
