Monday, May 28, 2007
You got it all wrong and disappointed me, Mr. President ...
Marka xiga aan u duceeyo dhamaan dadkii reer Awdal ee xaq darida SNM tu ku xasuuqdey ee ilaa manta la diidanyahey in la xasuusto aniga oo leh; eebe naxariistiisa ha idin siiyo, qabriyadiinana ha idiin waasiciyo oo ha idiin iftiimiyo. Intaad ka tagteena eebaha dadka u kala xaq naqa maalinta qiyaamaha ha u waasiciyo samirka iyo iimaankaba….. Aamin.
Aan raaciyo aniga oo u mahad celinaya geesiga walaalkey Al-Hajj Abdiqani suldan Ateyeh sida quruxda le, sharafta le, dhiiga le, xasuusta le, maamuuska le ee uu ugu Sara kacey xuquuqda dadkiisa. Salaan iyo sharaf waxa mutey inta badan ee jidh diidey khudbadii Rayaale.
Wixii ka danbeeya, Mudane madaxweyne, since the 18th of May, I bet you have been singing the blues with your new friends. But unlike you Mr. President, and for your information, I have been singing with my sister Hibo Nuura allaha daayee;
“Suntaadii habeenadan waan ka seexan waayoo seedahaad I goysee….”
On the 18th Mr. President I saw you in a picture standing tall on the stage delivering your speech, surrounded by the criminals and back-slapping you. I saw you smiling with those who murdered my people and your people and since Mr. President, I have been singing;
“Salaankaa ad fuushey sare kuuma wadayee ……...”
Indeed, Mr. President, salaankaa ad fuushey sare kuuma wadayee Awdal waa halkeedii.
Mr. President, you had choices, but you chose to side with the devils and that disappointed me. In your speech, you praised the mujaahiliin and chose to ignore the shihiidiin and that disappointed me Mr. President. But for your information, while you were surrounded by the criminals; their victims (my people and your people) were surrounded by the angels in heaven. While you were praising the criminals, I was praying for the innocent victims. While you were raising your hands for their praise, I was raising the flag of the victims high in my heart. Mr. President while you were delivering your ill-timed speech with your glasses hiding your tears of joy, I was reading with no glasses and my eyes were tearing blood all the way down to my toes.
Again for your information Mr. President, while your friends dispersed soon after your speech, the angels remained with the victims entertaining them with their godly songs. While the devils left you alone, the angels remained and will remain with the victims for ever. Mr. President you had your day in the Hargeisa where ever with the murderers, but the Awdal shihiidiin had their day in the gardens of the heaven with the angels.
I read your speech Mr. President and you distorted the facts. Let me remind you sir a quote which just popped up in my mind before it slips away;
“Get the facts, or the facts will get you. And when you get them, get them right, or they will get you wrong."
Dr. Thomas Fuller.
Mr. President I am embarrassed to say that you did not get the facts right. You flipped the one sided coin the criminals gave you and told us the familiar one side story. But make no mistake about it; the facts that got them wrong will soon get you wrong if not already.
I told the world ….. “Rayaale Xaaji”… remember Mr. President? But you showed the world smiling with the devils. You got it all wrong Mr. President, Xaaji and devils don’t go together. I told the world that the SNM are mujaahiliin. But you told the world load and clear that they are mujaahidiin. You got it wrong again Mr. President, the words don’t mix together, and the right one is that the SNM are mujaahiliin. I told the world in my article “SNM crimes against my people” that they murdered thousands of my people in Awdal. But you hid that fact in your speech and praised the criminals as mujaahidiin. You got it wrong again Mr. President; criminals are not praised for their actions. I told the world that the victims of the SNM died as shihiidiin. But you chose to ignore to mention. You got it wrong again Mr. President. Shihiidiin must be remembered and praised. I whole heartedly defended you with my writings against Haatuf. But you seem to have befriended with them. You got it wrong again, and I feel back stabbed.
I am ashamed to say it again, but you got all that wrong. Mr. President and I feel befuddled by all these changes. You got me disappointed. You can call it politics or appeasement, but I prefer to call it brain change. Must you have done it? You should have told us so that I update the SNM list as well as the Haatufs’. Must you have thrown away the Awdal genes? You should have told us so that we collect and put into the Awdal genes depository. Even though you might have hidden the fact that you have thrown away, Awdal genes never get lost. There is an alarm with them that guides back to Awdal.
It is now a fact that Awdal can not be deceived. Thank god, we have people like Al-Hajj Abdiqani who are always alert and ready to shout for the rescue. I salute Al-Hajj and the other Awdalites who stood up for the rights of our people who are no longer with us. You earned my respect and blessings and surely captured a special place in my heart. I assure you that your names are already written in a special golden page in the History of Awdal. We are all proud of you. We are all in this together and forever.
I conclude by reminding those who are busy trying to distort the facts the following beautiful quote:
"Facts are facts and will not disappear on account of your likes"
Jawaharlal Nehru.
Indeed, facts are facts, our people who were massacred by the SNM will always be remembered as the victims and will remain in our hearts special. The fact is that our innocent people who were murdered by the SNM are the real shihiidiin and the SNM are their murderers. That is the fact and will not disappear on the accounts of fact distorters.
My dear Awdalites I urge us all that we all wake up for our rights and write our own history in our own terms and protect from the intruders who wish to distort the course. May alleh (SW) give us all the wisdom to protect our rights and the rights of Awdal. I remind you my dear Awdalites that the “one day” is coming nearer and nearer and urge you to hang in there. Always keep in mind that Awdal is us and we are Awdal.
God bless us all.
Suleiman Abdi Dugsiye
Ottawa, Canada
Friday, May 25, 2007
Waa iga su'aale tallow Bahdon ma ii garan
Well, I know that I received nothing from any body on this planet let alone Rayale. Therefore, the accusations of my being bribed by Rayale are baseless. Here, I must declare that I would not have even accepted a penny if offered simply because I am an Awdalite, an honest man who believes in mutual sharing and collectively building our young Republic for the betterment.
In the case of Awdal, I know that its economy and standard of living are far below that of the other regions. I know that people of Awdal are struggling in their daily bread. I know that the infrastructure of Awdal is non-existent. I know that Awdal is alienated from the rest of Somaliland. I know that the roads in Borama city are rough and dusty unlike those of the twin cities in other regions. I know that the plea of the people of Awdal to construct the road between Dilla and Borama always hits on deaf ears. I therefore know that no greens arrived from Hargeisa to Awdal but lies, hatred and barwaaqo hadal.
I then turned my attention to Dilla, Idhanka and Qalooc area. I tried to figure out if any help came to the natives from Rayale government. I immediately remembered that the mosques and houses destroyed by the mujaahaliin are still roofless and that people who lost properties were not even given tents to live out side let alone compensation. I then proposed to my self that the area needs to be preserved as a museum area of crimes against humanity as committed by the SNM. Hence, no green stuff (as was put in respondents’ own words) reached that area.
I then remembered Qunujeed and I was like...Aha, may be that is where it rained green. I needed help there and I called my friend Bahdon. I asked Mr. Bahdon if the people of Qunujeed are blessed with the Rayaale money and are sneezing out green dollars and if the natives walk on a green carpet of the Somaliland money. Bahdon laughed at me and told me that the town of Qunujeed is becoming ghost town day after day and that the people are closing doors and preparing to relocate to Gogti. He added that even president Rayaale is unable to visit and wish them good luck for the lack of a leading road to Qunujeed and unfortunately there is no helicopter in Somaliland. So, he is stuck in Hargeisa.
I then asked my friend Bahdon about Bon and Aroorseel towns and their people. I asked him if the people are feasting with the alleged Rayaale money and are burping out the green stuff. He again laughed at me and said that soon after Rayaale was elected president, gloom descended and the people of these towns decided to extend the fasting period to preserve what little they have. He added that they have been fasting for quite a while now. He concluded by saying; “Allaa deeqda bixiyee dirqi bey ku noolyihiin.” I then asked him if he has filled his pockets with the Rayaale greens. He angrily replied to me and asked if I have lost my mind. He hinted to me that he is considering and preparing himself a hunger strike in protest of how these towns are treated. I could tell from his voice that he was holding tears and immediately came to the conclusion that it was time to digress. I wished him good rest and hang up.
I then remembered Baki, Lughaye, Zeila, Lowyacado, Xariirad and C/qaadir area. I did not bother to ask any body if the greens these respondents are writing about reached these places. Because I knew that all the governments including the present divorced these areas and never wanted to have anything to do with them. I knew that even these places are red-cross (X) marked in the map of the Somaliland that hangs in the meeting room of the cabinet of the Rayaale administration (what ever the intention is). The truth is that these areas have been on their own for decades, and there fore it is obvious that no greens reached and will not reach there even if it rains green in Hargeisa.
It is then obvious to the world that what the respondents accused me of is baseless. It is also apparent that what Awdal is always accused of is flat wrong and that those respondents did not know what they were talking about. I here by assure them that the green stuff never reached Awdal. But will appreciate if they dare to share with Awdal. To give the respondents a hint of the area to search, begin from the border of Hargeisa with Awdal all the way to the border of Sool & Sanaag.
Out of frustration, I then decided to quit and give my self a rest. I grabbed my laptop and a portable lazy chair and set my self at a corner in my back yard. I threw a CD in the CD ROM and prepared to listen to some classic Somali songs. The music began to play. To my astonishment, the first words that hit my ears were:
“Subagga dufankiisaa dadku ka dhaashadaane, haduu dufan basaaso maxaa duxdii ka qaadey?
Now, here I was out there by my self trying to relax, and all of a sudden the sound of the song itself is tickling my brain. Talking to my self I can hear me say, “Wow, what a good sentence.” Knowing who said it; I can hear me remind myself that my uncle is a real genius who knows how to put the words together. Truly, the world has yet to come up with such words with that value in them. I listened well to the sentences and truly my uncle is one of a kind genius. I wonder if the other world languages can put in good sentences words like dawo bukootey, dab dhamxoodey etc.
Listening to the words of the song slipped me into a zone full of questions. But I knew that there was no one around to ask. I eliminated question after question till one seemed to be appropriate to a friend of mine. That friend asked me many questions in his articles. You got it, the friend is Mr. Bahdon.
My friend Mr. Bahdon, you know that I replied your questions whole heartedly, this is my turn and I am to ask you a question.
My friend, I remind you that I expect from you the truth and only the truth, so help you god... this is the question:
Dufankii Ina Cigaal duxdiisaa badneydoo waan wada ogsoonahey dhamaan dadkiisaa ka dhaashadey. Garani waayey aniguye, waa iga su’aale, saaxiibkey Cusmaanow Ina Axmad Xaaji Bahdonow, dufankii adeerkaa dux laguma sheegine, waar maxaa basaasiyey??? Cajab….
Suleiman Abdi Dugsiye
Ottawa, Canada
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Waxley waa waxeegii
Not even five months elapsed since Haatuf made headlines, and here we go again, Haatuf is in the news, haatufing the land of peace and milk in its ugliest form and dragging up its alleged affairs again. Waxley waa waxeegii, but this time the Haatufs and associates are in a hot soup. Not even seventy two hours elapsed since I posted my last article “Isku haye Iskama Hagrado”, and here again I find myself writing another one. C’mon Haatufs, why don’t you use the thing in between your ears like the normal people so that I rest my fingers? Must you have every thing from the sheep contract to the chair? Give me a break people; don’t you know that there are others whose home is Somaliland and have mouths to feed? It is now obvious that what the Haatufs are up to is beyond freedom of speech. I believe that the Haatufs have a mission and their goal is one of the following:
.Drag the chair to the South and bargain with it.
.Get the chair by spreading hate.
.Tame Awdal as a second class nation.
In the case of dragging the chair to the south and bargaining with it, it depends on what the people of Somaliland want. The haatufs have no right to decide for the people. My advice to the Haatufs is to declare what they say and whisper to each other in the dark corners of the streets. But make no mistake about it; Awdal has already set its exit strategy but only giving you a chance to get to your senses.
In the case of attempting to get the chair by spreading lies and hate, I remind the Haatufs my favorite quote:
“Hatred ever kills, love never dies. Such is the vast difference between the two. What is obtained by love is retained for all time. What is obtained by hatred proves a burden in reality for it increases hatred."
Mohandas Gandi.
It is obvious that the Haatufs are washed over by a wave of hatred and bitterness towards President Rayaale and Awdal. The world never functions like just wishing something and getting it. Things would have been easier for the mindless if what ever in mind is obtainable by force. It doesn’t work that way and we all know it although the Haatufs don’t. The Haatufs always complain about President Rayaale and claim that things would have been better if he is no more on the chair. I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt and decided to figure out myself what the people think. I conducted a quick unscientific survey and questioned people both from Awdal and other regions of Somaliland without bias. After a careful analysis, the conclusion was the fact that overwhelmingly people believe:
“Idaa shuufta Siilaanyo or Ina Waraabe, Rayaale Xaaji.”
If that is so, and there is no alternative, I don’t understand what is bothering the Haatufs. I don’t comprehend what is eating them from inside. If you hate the genes of Rayaale how can I accept yours? We claim that Somaliland is a young democratic country. President Rayaale was elected democratically. Therefore, wether you like it or not or you hit your heads on the walls till you bleed to death, he will remain on the chair till he finishes the term. If that is unacceptable to you, then consider this:
Hadeynaan heshiineyn waa inaan kala go’naa oon kala howl yareysanaa.
In the case of attempting to tame the Awdalites as second class citizens, I am sorry, you ran out of time. The policy of quite diplomacy and appeasement is now a once upon a time thing and no more valid in Awdal. Awdal is ready to stand for its rights now, so caution with care Haatufs, what was once a sweet cake for you could be a hot soup to get into. We in Awdal have compromised ourselves and gave the confederation partners all we’ve got just to make it work. But as they say; “Abeeso far loo taagaa fanaxey u boodaa,” for the Haatufs and associates nothing is enough, more is always needed. To them they would rather break the country into pieces if not get things on their way. To verify how we gave away everything, all you have to do is to check the number of your parliament representatives and compare that with the Awdal representatives. I don’t think that that is a good way to share. Another way is to count the ministries, deputy ministries, directors, managers and government employees from regions other than Awdal. I can go on but I think that is enough to make you think twice. Isn’t it fair then to say?
Wax walba waan ku siiyee, waayaha aduunyada ku war qaadan meyside, igadaa wareerkoo barwaaqo hadalka iga dhaaf.
It has been clear to Awdal that it gave away too much, but still there was always hope that things will get better tomorrow. That itself is proving to be a dream. I am hardly alone in my thinking; indeed, Awdal is undergoing a dramatic shift from a decade and a half-old policy to protect their rights under the hijacked clan based rule of Somaliland. It has been Sixteen years and two days since the break away now, and all of a sudden a new chapter of greed and selfishness begins instead of working together for the betterment and the Haatufs are leading the way this time. It has become clear to Awdal that its people are increasingly finding themselves facing economic decline, injustices and dwindling rights coupled with hate and bitterness. No wonder these harsh circumstances are causing the regions people (Awdal) to drop their support of Somaliland. If things don’t change on Awdal’s terms this time, or if Somaliland lets Haatuf lead the way then it should be clear that what is in the minds of Awdal is:
Inaan kaa go’aan imika taladeed hayaa!!!!! And we have every right to decide for our destiny.
Suleiman Abdi Dugsiye
Ottawa, Canada
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Isku haye iskama hagrado!!!
It is my understanding that Somaliland was formed in confederacy of nations united by a vision of nation building. An agreement with caring, nurturing each other and sharing what ever little we have. A union of supporting each other, strengthening of what is uniting us and dismantling what ever is to create hate among us.
What I read in the piece was neither sharing nor nurturing but a classic case of dislike and hatred towards Awdal. It was a classic dose of tribalism in action and as practiced in the Somaliland Republic. Check out what I read and I quote;
“..markii uu shir la qaatay Aadan/Baradhe ganacsatadii xoolaha ee qolo walba lahayd, ayuu u sheegay in qandaraaska uu ku bixinayo qaab Qabiil, wuxuuna tiriyay magacda Jilibadii uu kala siiyay isaga oo ugu horaysiiyay jilibada beesha Isaaq ee uu ka soo jeedo, wuxuuna calaa jilib u siiyay 10kun ilaa 6kun inta u dhaxaysay, waxa soo hadhay waxay noqdeen reer Awdal wuxuu yidhi waxaan siiyay 2kun,…”
Some might argue that this is an isolated incident or a policy as exercised by only one or two persons. Well, as they say; “war garaad dhaamaa jira,” This is not an isolated matter but the daily occurrences in Somaliland. This is how the contracts of public and private sectors are issued. This is nothing but pure nepotism exposed and Somaliland is incredibly incestuous about it. Mr. Potatoes can be patriotic and work for the good of his own tribe but can not overly wish ill toward other clans. Surely that was your day Mr. Potatoes but let me remind you that it is Allah (SW), who is the sole bread giver. Times change and possibilities are that it turns to be “laga barey laga badi” any day. Surely, that is not going to be your day.
Somaliland is celebrating for its independence this week, but what did we accomplish for these sixteen years. That will be in a separate article, but the sure thing is that nepotism has been brought out to open air and has become a new weapon to fight against Awdal. The most obvious effect of nepotism is that it worked in direct opposition to the notion of sharing and loving your neighbor for what you love for your self. Obviously it worked against our sense of justice and fair play and only lead to resentment by those who are not the beneficiaries of the evil nepotism as practiced by the haves. It also has worked to breed mistrust and distrust.
What happened in Dhahar was a good example of the affects of nepotism. What was employment for regions other than Awdal has become a disgrace to Somaliland. As I mentioned in my article “Ruthless Betrayal of Awdal,” Less than 1% of the armed forces were recruited from Awdal. The intention of keeping Awdal out of the government payroll has back fired and disgraced our young nation of Somaliland. How can Awdal share the limited resources of our country with the rest, is surely a mystery to be solved. As we all know, less than 0.01% of the government employees are from Awdal region. To me this is nothing but alienation and selfishness and that is why millions that would have been invested wisely are flying in the streets of Hargeisa. That is why contracts are not tendered fairly and then the beneficiaries humiliate Awdal. When the non-governmental organizations are prohibited from stationing their headquarters in Borama how is Awdal supposed to continue part of the confederacy. It is a game that the government of Somaliland plays with Awdal and that should be corrected.
Distinguished readers, let me turn your attention now to the following:
“…sida uu warka nagu siiyay ganacsadaha joogay shirka oo diiday in magaciisa aan xuso wuxuu yidhi waan diidnay, ka dibna Aadan/Baradho wuxuu nagu yidhi ma idinka oo M/wenihii haysta ayaad diideen?”
What a say!!! As if Awdal benefits from the chair!!! What is amazing to me is the uniformity of this sentence to the people of Somaliland other than Awdalites. I hear this sentence every day and have become the favorite for some people. President Rayale is elected by the people of Somaliland. But surely is a liability to Awdal and the presidency is becoming a double standard to Awdal. I wonder if things would have been better for Awdal if some body else was the president. I wonder if Mr. Potatoes would have given Awdal the contracts he gave to his people if Siilaanyo or Ina Waraabe was the president.
C’mon people, talk about serious, your intentions are obvious and we will solve this matter and soon. Mr. President with all due respect if your being an Awdalite benefits Awdal as they say, I urge you exercise your power and cancel that contract. Make the play ground leveled for every body. What Mr. Goth suggested in his piece would serve good for every body.
I here by conclude by my famous sentences. It is my personal opinion that it is time for Awdal to take a tough stand. We had enough with the methods of quite diplomacy and muted appeasement. These degrading schools of thought have clearly failed. Sixteen years of unleveled play ground is enough. It is time for us to demand a fair game. It is our duty to protect our rights and demand our share of the resources. We can not allow humiliation by share holders and let them bite the pie full mouth while we watch on the side lines. It is time to wake up and correct our mistakes.
Lastly, I here by issue a contract and only Awdalites need to apply. Tell me in details how Awdal can share the Somaliland resources with the rest of the regions. If you know how, expose it and you may win the contract.
P/S if you don’t like my opinion, do not write to me, write to Mr. Potatoes or get into the comfort zone and blame the president (Rayale).
Suleiman Abdi Dugsiye
Ottawa, Canada
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Ruthless betrayel of Awdal
Any person with a sense of logic will agree with me that:
Peace as denoted by the Somali saying Peace and Milk "Nabad iyo Caano" is sweet and democracy is fair and just.
Peace and democracy are prosperity and a state of mind.
Peace and democracy are moral excellence.
Peace and democracy are “love for others what you love for yourself."
Peace and democracy if used positively promote love, sharing, caring, understanding and safeguarding the common good.
Peace and democracy can be used as a tool to pave the way to betterment and advancement.
Peace and democracy if used positively can be a tool to promote a sense of respect, fairness and compassion.
Unfortunately, peace and democracy in the Somaliland serve in contrary to the above. The peace and the democracy in the Somaliland together with the fact that President Dahir Rayale is a native of Awdal are an alibi for the policy of dominance, selfishness, injustice and ignorance. Peace in the Somaliland is a dry peace with the absence of war and when coupled with the Somaliland version of democracy is used as a tool to discriminate and isolate Awdal. Believe me, I am a passionate advocate of peace and democracy but the policy of the Somaliland government describes peace and democracy as ways to cheat and betray the nation of Awdal.
We all know that Somaliland was formed in confederacy of nations united by a league. An ideology of nations uniting to change the course to betterment. A league based on understanding, cooperating, caring and sharing. A union with a vision of nation building and advancement.
In contrast, it is becoming apparent day after day that the agreed upon policy of the foundation of Somaliland is being hijacked by elements whose doctrine is embarked upon an ideology adventure which threatens the future of the republic. These ego-centric gangs are slowly and dangerously moving the republic towards a clan state where selfishness, greed, injustice and dominance are becoming the state norm. Elements whose doctrine states to wield control onto others and whose motto are to establish an empire to bend the will of others.
Arguments and opinions based on rational pursuit of the facts, figures and a logical interpretation are rarely exposed. For the sake of it let me spell out some of the greedy injustices that are going on in the break-away republic that is causing anger and outrage in Awdal.
According to some Somaliland ministries and Officers sent abroad by the Somaliland government to spread the achievements of the republic, the following were achieved proudly by the government:
- Thirty bridges were built in Somaliland
15,000 and more army forces were recruited.
Salaries for the SNM forces were established -- “the mujaahidiin" as they say.
There are 43,000 and more government employees in its payroll
loaded state of the art medical vehicles were delivered to some cities
Etc, etc, etc.
Simply out of concern, what did Awdal get out of the above?
- No bridges were built in Awdal, and the government ignored and closed its ears and morals to hear the desperate plea from Awdal for the construction of the tarmac road between Borama and Dila.
- Less than 1% of the armed forces were recruited from Awdal.
Less than 0.01% of the government employees are from Awdal region.
No medical vehicles were delivered to any where in Awdal.
If you see logic as the most useful tool for defining truth, you will agree with me that Awdal had been and is being neglected on purpose. This reminds me the truthfullness of the saying:
" Isku haye iskama hagrado "
Awdal simply placed its blind faith in the supposedly good judgement of government, trusting to exercise justice and fairness to all the regions, but it is clear that selfishness and greed overpowered the trust.
What ever injustices done by the so called Somaliland government, one that is beyond my comprehension is the giving salaries to SNM members. Well, it seems that History is made here. Somaliland has become the first government on earth that compensates criminals. Criminals that killed thousands of defenseless innocent old men, women and children. If that is so, isn't it fair and logic to compensate the orphans of the victims? Let me remind the honorable members of the parliaments from Awdal that orphans in Zeila, Lughaya, Qunujeed, Dila, and Qalooc are waiting to hear from you.
Logic dictates that it is not fair to reward SNM criminals for their senseless crimes while the mosques they destroyed remain roofless up to date. It is not fair that 4x4 land cruisers are given to individuals and Dilla begs for a police vehicle and a building. It is not fair that towns and villages in some regions are booming and Qunujeed is becoming a ghost town. It is not fair that the only program available for Lughaye is that of Iqra and then greedy elements claim it.
Policy of Expansionism:
Those radical elements are now beginning to practice the policy of territorial and economical expansion. It is obvious that recently, stories have been planted as an effort to put a claim on Lughaye region. The purpose is to tear the social fabric of Awdal to make able to advance the claimant interests. These elements are actively involved in various components of a propagandas campaign to turn realities upside down. This is becoming the most serious crisis since Somaliland came into existence. The overwhelming evidence both in statements by politicians in Hargeisa and practice proves that a conspiracy is in the works to tear out the social fabric of Awdal.
With out any doubt, the most dangerous threat to the existence of the Somaliland Republic lies with the dominate and expand doctrine of those radical elements. This will definitely transform the land. Unfortunately, it seems that Somalilanders remain unaware of the implications of this ideology. The anti-Awdal elements think that the benefits of their motto will out weigh the liabilities, but they can be assured that Awdal's eyes are wide open and that consequences will out weigh their imagination.
What is happening in Goryacawl is unfairness. We all know that refugees coming back to regions other than Awdal are welcomed with open hands but those coming back to Awdal are ignored and neglected.
The pleas and the cries of our youth for justice in the education system is another one which proves the attempts of the radical elements to up root the only thing Awdal is famous for. Awdal will never accept these degrading policies. The whole thing is unfair and I don't really know what is in it (confederacy). For Awdal If you know please share it in the World Wide Web.
To those blind radical elements:
We (as the Awdal people) understand that our region is facing a deliberate, well organized and systematic political, racial, economical and cultural destruction, but make no mistake about it, this will back-fire. Our defenses are in place and your defeat is imminent. You better back off.
To those elected from Awdal:
With all due respect, let me remind you the following points:
- Democracy is an active process - one that requires ongoing engagement between you and the citizens of Awdal.
You hold your seat in the name of the people of Awdal and are accountable to the people for your actions.
You represent the views and interests of Awdal.
You are to express your views and those of your constituents in the parliaments.
You are elected to act in Awdal's interests.
It is my personal opinion that Awdal must take a tough new line on Somaliland. Which are enough now with the methods of guide diplomacy and muted appeasement. These degrading schools of thought have clearly failed.
It is our duty to protect our rights. Awdal had this union relation with Somaliland since the formation of the confederacy and has not been able to get the slightest concession on respect and fairness. I am hardly alone in my thinking; indeed, Awdal is undergoing a dramatic shift from a decade and a half-old policy to protect their rights under the hijacked clan based rule of Somaliland.
It is obvious that people of Awdal are increasingly finding themselves facing economic decline, injustices and dwindling rights. No wonder these harsh circumstances are causing the regions people (Awdal) to drop their support of Somaliland. Consequently, Somaliland support in Awdal is a free fall. And Somaliland can not exist without Awdal. That reminds me the saying:
" Karis xun iyana wax kula' "
Suleiman Abdi Dugsiye
Ottawa, Canada
Why blame thyself while you can blame the president (Rayale)
“Democracy is a process by which people are free to choose the man who will get the blame”.
Laurence Peter.
Is there any truth in it? I don’t know about you, but to me, in its translated Somaliland version, there is truth in it. As a matter of fact it appears that the idea of putting the blame on the President for all the everyday problems is becoming the ritual of the day.
In Somaliland, it seems that our people have developed a unique mythology about democracy. The unique Somaliland form of government is where you can directly blame the President for anything. In contrast, no blame goes neither to those elected to represent the public in the parliament nor those authorities in the federal, regional and local governments. The blame of any thing that gets wrong, big or small goes on to the president. And his Excellency gets no praise for any thing done right. To me, it smells like a one man show. In respect to the quote and as practiced, it is fair to say then, since Rayale was elected democratically, according to the Somaliland public mythology, we all have the constitutional right to put all blames squarely on to him.
The world respects the position (president) as the highest and puts value on the title. But in Somaliland, it seems that all the value and respect associated with the presidency is stripped off and that the office is changed to the federal bureau of blames where people (public and private) get relief and comfort. In Somaliland there seems to be no form of government structure in between the President and the public. Therefore, the President is directly responsible for everything. President Dahir Rayale is/was blamed for many things. Check out some of the many blames that usually go or have gone on to his highness, the President of the Somaliland Republic:
The lack of recognition of Somaliland by the world, the blame goes directly to the president. The retreat of the Somaliland forces from Dhahar, the blame went to Rayale. The affects of Sool and Sanaag topography and weather, the blame was pushed to the President. The hostile environment in Dhahar as exposed by the former minister of defense, as usual, the blame was pushed to Rayale. Burglar in Hargeisa, the blame goes on to Rayale. Miscarriage in Burco, Rayale gets the blame. Domestic family dispute in Berbera, the President gets the blame. The ill-advice of the fortunate boys in Hargeisa (the cabinet) to the President, Rayale gets the blame. The misjudgments of the authorities of the different governments, the President gets the blame. The price of qaad goes up because of unforeseen circumstances, the President gets the blame. Too much noise in the streets of Hargeisa, the president gets the blame. The public don’t respect the traffic laws in all the big cities; President Rayale is there for the blame. A verbal conflict in the mijilises of Borama, the president is blamed. Garbage in the streets and roads of every city and town, the blame goes to Rayale. It Looks like Somalilanders have discovered an easy way to squarely put the blame on the president.
Being a human, I make mistakes every now and then. Recently, I seem to be getting tired of blaming myself for every thing that gets wrong. I have been looking for a person to blame for all my problems. I learned from my fellow Somalilanders. I chose to fellow the fast track and put the blame on the president for all my problems. Mr. President, with all due respect, from now on I decided to play the game like any other Somalilander. Sorry Mr. President I have no choice but to blame you for all my wrong doings. I will keep the praise for the good, but you will have to get the blame for any thing that gets wrong. Yes, why not? Every body does it and I am of no exception. I want to jump into the comfort zone and have fun. After all I elected you for that Mr. President
My recent article about the SNM crimes generated a lot of response. I received e-mails in the tens in which there were both praises and insults. I was accused of supporting you just because of you being an Awdal native. You got it Mr. President, I blame you for that. Some accused me of supporting you because of me being your nephew, you can append that on the blame list my President. I was accused of being a triblist; you squarely get that blame Mr. President. I lost my car keys this morning, I blame you for that too Mr. President because every body in Somaliland blames you for any thing that happens and I am a Somalilander and elected you, I therefore have every right to put the blame on you. One of my customers withdrew a contract for advertisement in my magazine this morning, I blame that on you Mr. President because you were blamed for the withdrawal of the Somaliland forces, both withdrawals seem to be identical and I have to blame you too. One of my business consultants advised me on a marketing strategy which did not work well as planned and I blame you for the failure because you are always blamed for the ill-advice of your ministers, the advice from my consultant is of no different, I therefore, have to blame you Mr. President.
Mr. President, I blame you for the “all in one” like a shampoo policy that Somalilanders practice. Mr. President, you did not train your citizens to know the different entities of the Somaliland communities. The separate and different entities of Isaq and Gadabursi being tribes, SNM being a group, Somaliland being a country and your Excellency being the elected President of the country. The blame is on you Mr. President because, had you trained the public how different these entities are, they would have known that each one of the entities is separate and has nothing to do with the other and I would not have received the many e-mails and would not have been accused for the many senseless accusations. Had you trained them Mr. President, they would have dropped the notion of “either with us or against us” a long time ago and Somalilanders would have a healthy debate on anything with respect and dignity.
Mr. President, I hope you will forgive me for putting all the blames on you, believe me sir, I have no choice but to do what all the Somalilanders are doing. Remember Mr. President as they say “do as the Romans do.” I hope that you will agree with me to blame you rather than blaming myself.
All in all, to any Somalilander where ever you are, if you have any problems, get the fast relief and blame President Rayale but remember to keep the praise of anything good for yourself. Always Keep in mind that:
“Democracy is a process by which people are free to choose the man who will get the blame.”
You elected President Rayale, he is all yours, get the fast relief, go ahead, make his day, and have a glorious time blaming the President for all that is wrong with your world. For sure you will find it very therapeutic.
P/S if you don’t like what I wrote, please don’t bother to write to me, get into the zone of comfort, join in the fun and put the blame where it belongs,,,,, blame the President.
Suleiman Abdi Dugsiye
Awdalites and their "one day" dream.
First and fore most, I must confess that Awdalites are smooth talkers and good communicators. They seem to have both the knowledge and the ability to use persuasive language. They surely have all that makes a good story teller. Depending on the period of time (past, present or the future) in discussion, they get the attention of the listener right from the start and let their emotions talk. They know to deal with negative questions and surely get what ever story into your head.
Ask any Awdalite about the past of Awdalland, and right away he/she gets all geared up, grabs your attention right from the start and finishes with out you scratching your ears and feeling no dull moment. With dynamic voice, he/she tells you all past events whole heartedly with obvious pride. To the Awdalite, it is like words come naturally and with ease puts the right sentences together. Looking you in the eyes, the Awdalite comfortably mentions facts, figures, events and exact dates with supporting poems and sayings of the time.
We (Awdalites) had it all in the 11th – 12th centuries starts the Awdalite, a renowned empire in the horn of Africa stretching from the Red sea to the Hawas Valley with Zeila and Harar as its most famous centers of trade and education and continues telling all about the history of the empire year in year out with out missing an event or a poem.
While listening, you can tell that the words are coming from some where deep down in the heart, and can detect the pride and the energy the Awdalite is feeling. An Awdalite is always honored to speak and to have a chance to reflect the rich heritage of Awdal. An Awdalite talks about the legends that made possible the Adel Empire, and is always proud to mention that it was a legacy made strong through leadership consultations and unity of people working together for a common cause. An Awdalite talks comfortably about the bravery of the people of Adel who defended the empire and who maintained dignity, faith and a vibrant culture which produced great leaders and people who had stood up to challenges.
An Awdalite talks with confidence about the pride of our fore fathers and always mentions the brave nationalists who made the Europeans sign a well thought set of agreements before they were let into Awdal. It is the pride of any Awdalite to always mention the brave people of Adel who demanded the Europeans wash their feet before getting on their boats to avoid taking anything with them including Awdal soil. It was as recent as yesterday when talking about the pride of our fathers, an Awdalite told a story of a proud Awdal citizen accused of cutting trees and arrested by the British in colonial times who told the British judge that he had cut the trees and will cut the trees because "the trees grew in Eeg but not in England" and reminded the judge to mind his own business in the UK. After a long talk, "Adel was our empire and every Awdalite was a prince/princess" concludes the proud orator from Awdal.
One thing obvious from these stories is that they serve as an inspiration to commemorate the contributions of our fore fathers to the history of Awdal.
Shift the gear to the present (current) affairs of Awdal, and all of a sudden the energy of the Awdalite evaporates into thin air. The fast moving car gets a flat tire and slows down. The steering wheel becomes uncontrollable and the car moves all ways. The dynamic voice becomes husky and muffled. The proud Awdalite looks at you with a certain grudging respect and not looking you in the eye. The words come out with hesitation like a tape recorder with low batteries. The Adel genius stands still trembling and trying to choke back the tears. The only thing coming out of the mouth becomes ahs, ums, you know and sentences that make no sense at all.
You wonder what happened to the great communicator from Awdal, and all of a sudden complete sentences that make sense hit your ears. The Awdalite gets into a defensive mode, throws blames on every body and on all kinds of things for the cause of the poor present situation of Awdal. With shrill voice the Awdalite curses nation after nation, the most going to the British and the French. The son/daughter of Adel bites lips. The prince/princess of Adel feels shame. Gloom and frustration descends on the proud Awdalite and tells you through facial expressions that the topic is no longer fun and entertaining. "We shall over come" becomes the favorite repeating word and then slips into bla …bla …bla kind of talk. You realize it is time to digress for a moment.
Change the course to the future, and all of a sudden life comes back to the frustrated Awdalite. The Awdalite becomes energetic and the dynamic voice comes back. You realize the Awdalite is ready for another round of pride talk. You wait for a moment and after a deep breath the Awdalite proudly starts talking. The revived Awdalite again grabs your attention by saying "History repeats itself", you then eagerly listen and a series of "one day" begins. "One day Awdal Empire will come back." ….. "One day we will be respected again." …One day this … one day that…" You wonder when this "one day" is. The Awdalite never stops talking and never mentions when the "one day" is. As soon as you open your mouth to ask when this one day is supposed to come, the Awdalite begins another one day series. So, you are left only to listen.
Among the favorite "one day" series:
One day, Awdal will be a force like it used to be.
One day, Awdal will be respected like it used to be.
One day, Awdal will have its leader.
One day, people of Awdal will unite for the common good.
One day, we will be princes and princesses again in Awdalland.
One day, people of Awdal will take their destiny into their hands and pave their way to prosperity.
One day, Awdal will become the leader of the Somaliland regions politically and economically.
One day, towns and villages of Awdal will be connected with each other by high ways built by our engineers.
One day, Awdal Universities will lead Somaliland in education.
These are just a few of the one day series any Awdalite tells you when it comes to the future of Awdal.
Listening to the "one day" series is like music to my ears. I even developed my own "one day" series.
Add my own "one day" series to the above and you wonder more when this "one day" will come.
Check out my "one day" series:
One day Awdal will be fully developed with its highways covering corner to corner
One day Awdal will have its own health care system accessible and free to all
One day Awdal's education system will be among the best in the world, free to all
One day Awdal will be fully employed with no worries for any one to be left behind
One day Awdal will have its own welfare system and will be able to care for its elders
One day Awdal destiny will be in the hands of its people and will wait for no minister from Hargeisa for a hand out or approval
One day Awdal will develop its coastal resorts and ports and will never be abused for using other ports.
These are a few of the hundreds of "one day" series I developed after Awdal talk observations. Dare to compare the above scenarios and choose the best that suits you. As far as I am concerned; the past is gone and only serves as an inspiration to commemorate the contributions of our fore fathers to the history of Awdal despite odd challenges. The present is boring, degrading and even shame to Awdal and hence, I don't like it. I kind of like the future. The "one day" sounds good and I want that to come. I want to be a proud prince of Awdal again. I want to see Awdal in prosperity where follow Awdalites are happy. I want to see strong Awdal with its great leader again. I want to Awdal myself from the North American cold, retire in Hindheysa and rest in my Borama. I want to vacation in the coastal resorts of Lowyacado and Zeila. I very much want this "one day" to come, and the sooner the better for us all.
Because of my liking of this "one day", it is like it will never come. I tried to figure out when this "one day" is. Whether in the office or at home, I always think about it and try to figure out the "one day" Awdalites are talking about. But to no avail. I gave up and decided to go public. My fellow Awdalites if you please happen to know or can figure out when is this great "one day", please share and let me know. You might even win a prize and your calculations will be printed in Warsan Magazine, a multi-lingual magazine which is published in Ottawa.
In conclusion:
Reer Awdalow, please help me figure out when is this famous "one day."
I don't know much. The only one thing I know for sure is the fact that I can not get there if not together with my fellow Awdalites.
Suleiman Abdi Dugsiye Ottawa, Canada
SNM crimes against my people
I remember ….. Waan xasuusanahey ...... Je me souviens
Celebrations have been going on this week for the formation of the SNM. SNM members, representatives from the office of SNM appeasement of the government of Somaliland, heads of parties with multiple personalities and SNM supporters gathered. Speeches of SNM appeasement and false stories of heroism were delivered. In the speeches not a single person had the guts to mention the immoral crimes committed by the SNM. I remembered the date in my own way and this writing is about the criminal acts of the time as committed by the SNM.
May the civilized world know and remember that thousands of my uncles and aunts would have been living in this world today? May the youth of the world know that thousands of my nieces, nephews and cousins would have been in their prime years of life this week? And thousands of them would have celebrated their birthdays or weddings this year or yester years. May the scholars of the world know that thousands would have graduated from Amoud University? May the senior citizens of the world know that thousands of my uncles and aunts would have become grand parents this year or yester years. May the world know that, that never happened and will never happen just because of some criminals called SNM who went into rampage and killed them for no apparent reason?
Surfing the net this morning, I saw the pictures of the criminals celebrating, smiling and in a party mode. But saw none of my people when I looked around and remembered that they were gone for ever. I saw old men in their fifties, sixties and even seventies with grey beards happy for their criminal acts in which they killed four, five, six and seven years old babies. I saw old men celebrating for their killings of defense less old men and women. I saw shame, disgrace and sickness on their faces. I held back my tears and read some of the lies they said in the speeches. After I read some of their garbage speeches, I nodded my head in outrage, cursed them but prayed for my people. May Allah (SW) give you peace in your graves May Allah (SW) shine and widen your graves and may Allah give patience to those you left behind.
The disgraced SNM speeches were nothing but the usual nonsense. They said what they wanted to say and laughed as they wished. They congratulated each other But I have a message for them from the now grown up orphans. People may you open your ears and hear it loud and clear:
“Ninba waa mare maalin taaduun meel ad eediyo yey mus kula korin.”
Unlike you (SNM), people with something in between their ears believe that there are two sides to every coin as there should be two sides to your stories. You told the one that pleased you but never did tell the other version of the story. You had no guts to say loud what you whisper to each other. You chose to ignore to even recognize your sense less crimes let alone to apologize. You hid the facts and never told how you dared to do what you did. But let me remind you how things happened. You crossed the border with your Ethiopian friends and killed indiscriminately. As to your other claims, I believe that it was just a case of: “Budkii iyo bisadii kulmey.” I know that, because I remember and will always remember. In your speeches you hid what you did, but facts can not be hidden or distorted. We will keep it alive. We will always remember our people (your victims). We will always read to our children what happened as bed time stories. I remember and here I tell the world your crimes:
. You committed acts with intent to harm, destroy and damage and that is crime.
. You killed thousands of defenseless people and that is crime.
. You deliberately inflicted on innocent people conditions of life calculated to bring about its
physical destruction and that is crime.
. You destroyed mosques for no logic reason and that is crime.
SNM forces did all that and more. Your immoral acts were never mentioned in the speeches but I remember and will always remember. Awdal baan ku dhaartee Waan xasuusanahey oon xasuusnaan waligey. I remember the carnage in Borama. I remember the looting in Awdal. I remember the cries of the babies and their mothers. I remember the suffering of the old men and women in Dila. I remember your burning the farms and the houses in Qalooc and the mosques which you destroyed with heavy artillery. I remember your stories of how you could not differentiate between the mosques in the villages and the Afweyne mansion in Mogadishu. I remember what you did in Zeila. I remember how you treated the innocent people of the villages of Awdal. I remember your coming with the Ethiopian soldiers and I remember your laughing with them. I remember the enjoyment on your faces while rampaging in the streets of Borama. I remember all that and will always remember and tell the world your shameless acts.
You (SNM) claim that out of your madness a state was born, but I remind you that it could not have been created with out Awdal and can not exist with out Awdal. You dream of one day ruling the country, and I assure you by then to not count on Awdal. You try to cover up your acts, and I assure you that I expose them. You are showered with praise, I assure you that I will be there to condemn you. You refuse to apologize and recognize your crimes, I then remind you the message:
“ Ninba waa mare maalin taaduun meel ad eediyo yey mus kula korin.”
Suleiman Abdi Dugsiye